Chapter 65 - Saviors

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Keira felt herself being lifted from the ground, her feet swinging helplessly in the air before she was tossed to the side as if she was nothing more than a ragdoll. Through the pain, she barely acknowledged Wanda's scream of terror, and instead pressed her hands against the gaping hole in her stomach.

The air was pushed out of her lungs as she hit the ground, and each roll over the cobbled stones caused a new jolt of pain to sear through her body. When her body finally rolled to a halt, she glanced up just in time to see faint traces of red wisps before they vanished into thin air as Wanda was unceremoniously thrown through a shop window.

"W- Wanda!" Keira's voice was barely more than a croak as she fought to push herself into a sitting position. But her attempt was roughly cut off as one of the aliens shoved a foot to her shoulder and pushed her down against the ground.

By now, her hands were covered in blood as she desperately tried to stop the bleeding wound in her stomach, but as she felt the sharp tip of a blade being pressed against her throat, her focus was shifted to the two aliens standing above her.

"Where's the stone?" One of them growled menacingly. It was the one who was holding the weapon to her throat, applying just enough pressure to not break the skin but hard enough to make it clear that the alien wouldn't hesitate to sink it deeper if she didn't cooperate.

If she had to guess, and presuming aliens had genders, this was a male. His voice was low, and if Keira's nerd brain was allowed to provide input despite the rather tense situation, it would say that the alien was a mix between an elf and an orch from Lord of the Rings.

"It's not here! And I- I wouldn't tell you even if I knew!" Keira spat, and in response, she felt the blade pressing harder against her skin. It wouldn't surprise her if it soon drew blood.

"Liar!" The other alien snarled. This one had blue hair with strikingly orange eyes that almost seemed to glow in the dull light cast from the surrounding lamp posts. It also appeared to be a female. "We tracked the energy from the Mind Stone to here. You reek of it. So where is it?"

The gears in Keira's head turned quickly, and despite the pain searing from the wound in her stomach, a sarcastic smile played in the corner of her lips.

Something that caused the blue-haired alien to light up her weapon as a silent threat, which only widened Keira's smirk. So, they wanted the Mind Stone? "Too b- bad. Your sources are m- mistaken." She managed to choke out before letting her head fall back to the ground.

Before either alien had a chance to distrust her words, they were both knocked back by two bursts of red energy. Keira felt herself becoming weightless as the ground disappeared from beneath her and when she glanced to the side, she saw Wanda flying beside her.

Wanda had no real plan of escape, all she knew was that she needed to get herself and Keira away from the aliens. This was why Keira accidentally hit a couple of chimneys, the stone crumbling to pieces around her body.

But Wanda barely had time to shout an apology before the ground called for her attention. Her landing wasn't as graceful as she would've hoped and she was forced to do a roll, which caused her to lose her focus for a moment and her powers evaporated.

But just before Keira was about to slam into the ground, she was caught in red psionic energy and pulled towards Wanda, who had taken cover under a small archway.

By now, Keira was only able to draw short, rapid breaths of air, and it did nothing to try and conquer the dizziness that was threatening to overtake her. As she leaned her head back against the cool stone, she couldn't help but glance down at the wound. Blood was pouring out of it, and her shirt was definitely ruined. "W- Would you look at that? I've been impaled." She coughed and pressed her hands harder against her stomach, something that made the world spin.

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