Chapter 70 - Another One Bites The Dust

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As they ran over the battlefield, Keira became aware of how many aliens they had actually killed. They were forced to awkwardly jump over both corpses and body parts, all while they tried to not slip on the bloodstained ground.

A small part of her wished that she could fly, so she wouldn't have to lay eyes on the carnage, but she wasn't that lucky. And besides, it could never hurt with a reality check, could it?

The prickling in the back of her head had remained the same throughout the fight, although it was becoming more and more intense. But it didn't hurt, something she was deeply grateful for because the invisible wound in her abdomen was causing her enough discomfort.

When they finally arrived in the clearing, Keira's eyes immediately found Wanda, who was crouching by Vision's side. Just like she had suspected, the synthezoid was sporting a stab wound in the same place from where her pain was emanating from.

The Mind Stone was glowing more brightly than normal, and she just knew it was the same kind of warning that her own head was voicing.

"What the hell?" Natasha muttered softly from beside Keira.

The wind was picking up ominously, the leaves and trees rustling in the tense silence that had settled over the glade. All of them were looking around, waiting for Thanos to arrive.

Because they all knew he would be coming for the Stone.

Keira felt it before it happened, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. A disturbance in the air before a black cloud with blue streaks slowly grew above the ground. The portal that was forming wasn't too different from the one that had opened over New York six years ago.

Out walked a purple titan, tall and intimidating.

On his left hand, there was a golden gauntlet decorated with stones, with only its centerpiece missing. He held his head high, confident in his mission as his eyes trailed over Wanda and Vision, the two people furthest from him, but the ones he needed to reach.

"Cap, that's him."

Instinctively, Keira's feet carried her closer to Wanda. There was so much she wanted to say, but now, they were running out of time. When she turned to face Wanda, she found that her fiancée was already looking at her. Grey met green, and no words needed to be spoken to understand the conversation going on between them.

Keira had never feared death. Hell, at some points in her life, she had even wished for it. But now, she had too much to live for.

And there was too much at stake if they lost.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve commanded, readying his shield.

It was the cue for everyone to attack, but Keira stood frozen by Wanda's side. She could only watch in horror as Thanos calmly took one step after another, not faltering as Bruce charged at him. The Hulkbuster turned into a transparent blue and phased right through Thanos before it solidified, getting trapped in the cliff wall behind.

Steve was the next one to try and reach the titan, but a purple mist engulfed him, throwing him effortlessly to the side. T'Challa got grabbed by the throat before getting slammed to the ground and Sam's wings collapsed on themselves, sending the man crashing down.

Thanos didn't falter once in his steps as he took down some of Earth's mightiest heroes without even breaking a sweat.

"Wanda." Vision whispered weakly. "It's time." He had pushed himself into a sitting position and the wound on his torso was still wide open. His skin kept glitching, indicating the inner damages that had been done to him, and had he been fully human, his suit would've been colored a dark red.

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