Chapter 78 - Miracles Do Happen

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5 years later

"Ouf!" Keira exclaimed with a gasp as two heavy paws landed right on her chest, knocking the breath right out of her. "I did not need that kind of wake-up call, Nikato..." She grumbled sleepily while pushing the big dog off her and burying her face against the pillow.

But the Kangal wouldn't leave his owner alone, but rather buried his nose against the crook of her neck and gently nudged her until Keira started giggling from the ticklish feeling and surrendered to his demands for cuddles.

"Okay, okay. I give up. You win, Kato." Keira flipped around and threw her arms around the dog that was practically just as big as her, nuzzling her nose in the dun-colored fur. She could proudly say that her decision to adopt Nikato had been one the best choices she had ever made.

After she had returned to the compound, it took her a long time before she dared to venture outside of the safety of the gates. Knowing that people would blame her for losing their loved ones was a burden she was aware of, but to be able to hear it from strangers and not break down at the very mention of it, took time.

And while she admired Natasha for carrying the remainder of the Avengers on her shoulders, it was not something Keira wanted to do full-time. So, after about a year and a half, she had started to help out at a local dog pound. Both to keep herself occupied from the crushing weight of those they had lost, but also because she had always liked animals better than humans.

They gave her a sense of inner peace, something she rarely experienced otherwise.

One of the pound's longest-sitting residents had been Nikato. The great Kangal had been cowering in the corner of his stall, shooting scared glances out in the corridor from the corner of his eye. Even back then, she knew there was something special about him.

His ragged appearance scared most people away, because no matter what they all say, we all judge by looks, whether it be consciously or not.

Nikato was missing his left ear, and the eye on the same side was badly scarred. According to the people who ran the pound, he had been used in an illegal dog fighting ring that the police had shut down a few years earlier. Other parts of his body also told the story of a rough past. So it wasn't too surprising that he had social issues, both when it came to dogs and humans.

But Keira had nothing but time, so she began by just sitting outside of his stall, reading books to him. Slowly but surely, the dog had grown to trust her and dared to move closer to the fence. And at last, even let himself be petted.

The rest was history. Nikato had officially been part of the family for three years now. It was nice to have the sound of paws running through the compound. It made it feel less empty.

"Have you woken up Tasha yet?" Keira peeled one eye open to meet the dog's gaze, but Nikato just tilted his head curiously, his remaining ear lifting slightly from his head. "No? Let's go do it then." She ruffled the fur around the dog's neck before she kicked off her weighted blanket.

A big yawn left her lips and for a moment, it almost felt as if her jaw would snap in half. She scratched the back of her neck and pushed herself out of bed. The cold floor sent a small shiver up her back, but it was a nice change from the heat that had been around her like a cocoon under the blanket.

"Come on, Kato. If you're gonna wake me up at..." Keira glanced at the alarm clock standing on her bedside table. "Half past five in the morning, you bet your ass that I'm gonna give Tasha the same treatment. If she's not already awake, that is. Wouldn't surprise me, honestly." She shrugged lightly and as she moved towards the door, she noticed the absence of paws against the floor. Spinning around, she put her hands on her hips with a slight pout as her eyes landed on the Kangal, who remained on the bed, his tail wagging lazily. "Really? Nuh-uh. You don't get to sleep after waking me up with a murder attempt."

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