Chapter 6: the second strike

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*whispers* plot driven chapter...



"You have to understand, Nya, they're perfect for this job! You should've seen them fighting! If that's what they looked like training, I wonder what they're like when they're actually fighting!"

Nya glares at me.  "Yeah, I know.  You've said it, like, six times already."

I laugh nervously as I rub the back of my neck.  I've been talking Nya's ear off for the past hour since we sat down at the dining room table.  I'm surprised she hasn't strangled me yet.  "Sorry, I guess I'm just- well, excited!  I mean, nothing interesting ever happens here.  And now we have two live ninja in our home!  Protecting us!"

"Mhm, so interesting." She says sarcastically.  My expression droops from excited to disappointed.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I finally ask.

She looks at me, annoyed.  "What are you talking about?"

I look at her, unamused.  "Don't play dumb.  I see how you've been acting lately.  You really want me to believe you were napping yesterday?  You never nap!"

She scoffs, crossing her arms.  "I don't know what your talking about.  I was tired, there's nothing else to it.  Besides, why do you care?"

"I care because I know how you are!  What if you had gotten hurt in that short time you were away from Jay?"

"What, are you two buddies now?" She asks me.

"We hung out when you were 'napping'.  He's such a nice guy!  Why would you do that to him?" I ask, pointing my finger at her.

She uncrosses her arms and throws them in the air.  "Okay!  So maybe I wasn't napping, why does it matter?" 

"He's here to protect you, Nya.  Not just him, Lloyd too!  They can't do that if you lie and then run off."

"I didn't "run off." She says with air quotes.  "Besides, why do you care so much?  You never care about what I do!"

"That's not true!  I ask you what you're up to all the time!" I retort.  "Besides, you always make fun of me for taking my studies seriously!  Well, have you ever thought that my studies are important to me?"

She slams her hands on the table and stands up, the result of her actions echoing around the room.  "What, so you think I'm heartless?" She yells at me. "You think I openly make fun of people?  Well, you're no better!  I only did it because that Jay guy keeps trying to strike up conversations and won't stop "observing me", thinking I don't know!  It makes me uncomfortable!  So yes!  I lied!  But if you think you're any better, you're the biggest lier out of the both of us!"

"Oh, give me a break!" I yell back at her.  "You always do this!  You always turn the tables on me to cover your own faults!  Well, I'm sick of it!  I'm getting married, whether you like it or not.  I'm becoming king, whether you like it or not.  I am keeping my bodyguard, whether you like it or not!" I raise my voice to the level of a scream. 

Right as I finish my sentence, I feel something collide with my cheek and a painful stinging sensation following the contact.  A loud smack is heard echoing through the room and my head is thrown to the side. My eyes widen.  Nya stands there, head down with her hair in her face.  I turn my head up slightly at her, still shocked from her actions, to see that she's shaking.  Before I can say anything, not that I really can anyway, she spins on her heel and bolts out of the room.  I stare at the door she ran out of, the hallway on the other side now empty.  I'm speechless.

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