Chapter 17: Aquaphobia

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Thank you so much for over 100 votes! You guys are seriously amazing and I wouldn't be where I am today without you.

Anyways, buckle up my little falcons because this is the longest chapter I've ever written and it's going to be one hell of an emotional rollercoaster.


No One's POV

Kai hits the sand with a thud. He rolls onto all fours and hovers his hand over his newfound injury. His cheek is wet and sticky with blood and his eye is squeezed shut. He can't feel pain, the adrenaline rushing through his body is too strong, clouding his mind and sending waves of random energy bursts throughout his system. But, in the midst of his confusion he knows for a fact that he's scared. Did Blunch get his eye? What if he's blind now? Is he going to need stitches? Is he going to die?

Lloyd, on the other hand, is too shocked to feel anything but his heart banging again his chest. His breath is caught in his throat and his feet are rooted into the sand.  He doesn't even notice that the vermillion warriors around him are going in for an attack, but not just an attack that will harm him, oh no.

They're going in for the kill.

After all, the Green Ninja is far too dangerous to be left alive. He could completely ruin Krux's and Acronix's plans, much like he's already been doing. Lloyd doesn't know what's so important to these vermillion that they have to harm Kai and try to kill him, but his shock turns into frustration when a snake successfully cuts him on the arm with his sword— deep.  He yelps from pain and he clutches his right arm, a warm and sticky substance coating his gloved hand.  He punches the snake warrior and interlocks his sword with his to disarm him.  He succeeds at this, but stops when he looks around and sees that he's been surrounded.

Being surrounded has never stopped him, though.

There's a special move that his uncle had taught him and his teammates.  His father had taught it to him first, but Master Wu had taught him to perfect it.  It took him a while to be able to master it, but with patience and persistence he learned how to summon and disband it.  And now, Lloyd needs to use it to get to Kai before it's too late.

He rotates his swords in his hands so they're pointing behind him when he holds them.  He brings his fists up to his chest and touches his knuckles together, making his elbows point outward.  He stands up straight and closes his eyes, allowing his racing heart to slow down a bit.  He can feel the vermillion closing in on him, their sharp weapons aiming for deadly blows.  He takes a deep breath and blows it out. 

Green sparks manifest into thin air around him like tiny lightning bolts. They grow more and more as he concentrates.  Finally, when he's built up enough energy, he opens his eyes with a determined look— his red eyes almost glowing.  He breaks his pose and winds himself up, rotating himself, and then he spins in a circle.

Most people would think this was weird, and in this case the snakes are indeed confused by the actions of the Green Ninja, but he's not just spinning in a circle like a ballerina, he's actually performing an ancient form created by his grandfather called spinjitzu.  What's so important about this form?  Well, see for yourself.

The bright green electricity erupts around him and engulfs him into a small green tornado that seems to be radiating off some form of energy.  The tornado moves around, sucking the vermillion warriors into it until there are no more left around him.  All their weapons fly out from the top of it and land onto the ground with muffled clanks from the sand, their previous owners soon following after. 

They all fly into different directions, some getting thrown into the forest or ocean and others getting thrown onto the ground, and Lloyd breaks from his green tornado.  He stops swirling around and stands firmly and tall, his head raised high in triumph.  But then, he remembers his injured companion, and he turns to see him still struggling to break away from his daze.  The Commanders Blunch and Raggmunk have landed on the ground and surrounded the prince at this point, but Lloyd isn't going to let them to anything else to him.

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