Chapter 20: Ninjago City

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Ahhhhh thank you so much for 2k reads!!  Also, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I wanted to get this out to you today.  ¯\_()_/¯



"Finally!" I throw my hands into the air triumphantly as I gaze upon a sign that reads, Ninjago City, 3 miles North. "About time! I was starting to get sick of hiking."

"It better be worth it," Lloyd says grumpily behind me. "Considering it took us two days to walk here."

I turn to him. "Hey, lighten up! Maybe we can finally sleep in some actual beds."

"With what money?  May I remind you we've been depending solely on nature up until this point?  Everything in the city is overly priced and the only place you can sleep for free is a park bench or an alleyway." He says.

I roll my eyes.  "We'll figure something out.  That is the least of our worries right now.  Besides, once we find Mistaké we can not only get my training underway, but you can finally get a decent night's sleep."

Lloyd rubs his eyes and sighs, his glare shifting into slight guilty expression.  "Fine, you're right.  I'm sorry." He admits.  Ever since that caffeine-less all nighter he pulled, he hasn't been able to catch up on much sleep, even when we take night shifts.  He always stays up way longer than we plan, resulting in me getting angry at him when he eventually does wake me up.  He's so stubborn it's driving me insane.  In fact, I'm surprised he hasn't crashed yet due to his neglect in self care. I swear when we get this whole treason business out of the way and things go back to normal, I'm forcing him to take a month long vacation.

But now, we're so close.  We can finally find a place to properly train me and even get in contact with the ninja or my parents themselves.  There's a huge revolution circulating right under their noses, and it's about time we put an end to it.  The city stands so clearly in front of us, the tall buildings glittering in the sunlight, the wide open space of the sandy country soon coming to an abrupt stop as we walk along the quiet road.  We exited the forest not too long ago, and the wide line of trees are now far behind us. 

When we have one mile left to go, Lloyd decides to break the silence.  "Try not to draw attention to yourself.  That's the last thing we want."

"I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you.  You're the famous one here." I point out.

He sighs.  "I know, I need to figure out how to make myself look a little less like myself.  I just hope these bags aren't too much of an attention seeker."

"Good thing you figured out how to stuff your swords into that thing. I'm still amazed at that by the way." I say. He shrugs.  I reach my hand up to pick at the tape around my eye.  Lloyd notices, and immediately puts a stop to it.

"Hey, stop that.  I don't want to have to replace that." He scolds me.

"I know, I know, it's just irritating my skin."

"You can take it off soon, just not now."  And that ends our conversation as we finally make it into the glorious city I've heard so much about.  Lloyd wastes no time in putting his flannel on and playing around with his hair and beanie until it looks like he has a shaved head around the sides and back with really long bangs that cover his eyes.

"Can you even see like that?" I ask him.

"Just enough." he says. As we walk deeper and deeper into the city, we start to wonder where the heck Mistaké's tea shop could actually be.

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