Chapter 12: Game Plan

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You ever just have an idea late at night that you think is the best idea you've ever had but then you wake up the next day thinking "wow that was a dumb idea" ?


No One's POV

"They escaped?!" the cloaked man yells out at the crimson snake commander.  "You were supposed to keep an eye on them!  And most importantly, you weren't suppose to let them escape!"  He whips around to look at her, his eyes ablazed.

She bows her Medusa lookalike head in shame and disappointment at herself.  "I'm sorry, sir."

"Now now, brother," another cloaked man tries to cool the fury in his comrade's soul.  "This is just a temporary setback.  I've already requested for Commander Blunch and Raggmunk to send their warriors to track them down.  You must be patient."

The first cloaked man turns to his brother.  "I'm tired of waiting!  We've been developing this plan for decades!  I'm not letting a couple of kids mess up everything we've worked so hard for!"

"If we jump into it like a stampede of buffalo, we'll only end up doing more harm than good. Patience..." He says slowly.

The first brother growls and turns away from his brother and the crimson commander.  "Commander Mochia," the second brother says, gaining her attention instantly.  "Gather your vermillion warriors and begin phase 2.  We'll let Blunch and Raggmunk deal with the prince and the green ninja while you get everything ready."

She dips her head in respect. "Yes sir." She turns away and walks out of the room. While she walks down the hall, contacting her warriors using the hive mind, the first brother looks over at the second. "You better have a plan for them. We can't risk anything now that we're this close!" He warns him.

The second brother just laughs. "Believe me, I've thought it all through."

Lloyd POV

He takes his hand off of my shoulder.  I clear my throat and rub my dry eyes.  "You want me to train you?"

He nods excitedly. "Yeah! What you do on a daily basis is so— so amazing!"

I look at him. "You found us getting kidnapped is amazing?" I joke.

"Well, no, no that was not a very amazing experience. But, what I'm talking about is your life of adventure! You've traveled all over Ninjago, you get to fight people, and you can do all these cool acrobatic moves! I mean, my whole life I've never once wanted to be anywhere but sitting at a table studying, but now?" He stands up. "The idea of being able to protect my family and my people from harm all on my own, be the king I know I can be, I want to put everything I have into it.  Plus, if these snakes have beef with my kingdom, I want to show them that they can't just pick on us!"

I stare up at him. To be honest, I'm surprised. I never thought Kai would be— that person. After watching over him for about three weeks, I've never seen him with this kind of spark. Maybe he just needed to get out of that castle to really learn more about himself.

"Wow, I didn't think adventure was your thing." I say to him.

He turns to me. "That's because you inspired me." He says. My eyes widen from shock. Me? Inspire people?

"And," he continues. "I want to be able to fight by your side and not be some damsel in distress while you risk your life for me.  I know it's a lot to ask, but think how much easier it would be if we both knew how to fight?  We wouldn't have a repeat of the dungeon!"

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