Rewrite Teaser Pt. 2

93 8 2

Hah 420 words (I'm mature I swear)

Also PLEASE give me feedback if you have any, I'm struggling to make it past a certain scene (I'm REALLY trying to execute it properly) and I'll take any criticism I can get.


When the sky began to lighten, Kai awoke as if he had never slept at all. He felt nauseous beyond belief and his body screamed at him from every angle. Whimpering as he moved, Kai desperately opened his backpack, having remembered the tea Mystaké packed for them. He grabbed out the jars with shaky hands and read each label. He opened each one and set them down in a row. He grabbed his half-full water skin and popped the top off, taking pinches of the teas and putting them in the water skin. He closed the top and shook it vigorously, willing the tea to steep faster.

A rational part of his brain told him to calm down and wait for the tea to steep properly, so Kai stopped shaking the water skin and set it down. Kai sat back and leaned against his backpack, wrapping his arms around his sides. He was so hungry his brain was fogged over and his sides hurt. Kai willed himself to stop shaking. Every time he blinked his eyes stung. He was living in hell.

A crack of thunder made him shriek. He looked up and saw clouds hiding the sky from view. Kai let out a shuddered breath. "Lloyd," he whispered to himself. Lloyd could be anywhere, but Kai couldn't leave without him. He had to make things right, even if it meant he got on his knees and renounced his royalty altogether. Kai was ready to beg for his forgiveness.

Kai took the water skin, deeming it ready, and chugged. The taste of four different teas steeped into lukewarm water and whole clumps of dried leaves made him gag, but he pushed the feeling down. He had to find Lloyd, and if magical tea was the only way to keep him going, then First Spinjitzu Master, he was going to drink it. Kai saved the rest of his concoction and stored it away. He pushed himself onto wobbly legs and limped over to secure the rest of Lloyd's belongings, even strapping his hiking stick onto the bag. Once everything was put away, Kai spent the next five minutes attempting to haul both bags over his shoulders, which proved to be extremely difficult given the circumstances he faced. Fighting the pain digging into his shoulders and back, Kai set forth past the timbered trees and search for Lloyd. He had no idea where he was going, nor did he really have a plan, but Kai refused to move on until he found his companion.

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