Chapter 19: What Did I Do To You?

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Here's my usual apology for making you wait. I've been feeling very unmotivated lately and a little overwhelmed with writing, but I'll try to get chapters out to you as soon as I can. I'm the only person working on this book, leaving all the story development, editing, and actual writing up to me. And considering every chapter is (almost) 4,000 words each, it's just a bit much sometimes.

But, nonetheless, I'm actually working on a separate project that should come out soon! Well, that concludes my announcements, I hope you enjoy!



I've been spending the past few days with "Princess" Nya and Skylor, and it's been awesome! She's actually a lot cooler than I thought she would be. I can tell that having these interactions with her has helped her to settle in a lot better. She seems a lot less moody and more carefree and down to earth. I think she and Nya are also hitting it off pretty well. Nya's been worrying less about Kai and has been more focused on the present, though every once in a while she'll get overwhelmed with so many different thoughts at once, leaving Sky and I to calm her down.

I'll admit, it hurts seeing her like that, both emotionally and physically. Seriously, sometimes she'll throw stuff at me if I walk in on her in that state of vulnerability. I mean, most of the objects are harmless, but she's got great aim. Sky will occasionally tell her to tone it down and to "leave the poor boy alone", and she'll listen.

I still have no idea what I did wrong. It's obvious Nya
has a grudge against me,
but I don't know why!

Cole 🪨
Did you piss her off or

I tap my thumps on the small keyboard and press "send".

Jay ⚡️
Idk!!! Why are girls so

The dot icon in the corner appears, and I anxiously tap the side of my phone with my thumb, awaiting his answer. Not too long after, Cole's message appears and reads,

Cole 🪨
Idk man, I've never had a
girlfriend before. If Lloyd
were here you could ask him,
but that would be a touchy
subject and he's obviously not available at the moment, so
maybe Zane?

Jay ⚡️
Yeah, don't remind me 🙄

Cole 🪨
Lloyd will be fine, Jay.
He's the Green Ninja. He's
been through worse.

I rub my eyes with my free hand and groan, frustrated.

Jay ⚡️
I know he'll be fine, it's just bothering me.  I mean, what if
the Prince is in trouble and
Lloyd needs our help?  It's not
like we can contact him or
anything because his phone was
the only thing left over besides
from his weapons!

Cole 🪨
Look dude, I'm scared too.
But we can't think about that
kind of stuff right now. We
should be there in about two
hours and once we get there
we'll start the search right

Jay ⚡️
Idk man I'm still on edge
about all of this.

"Jay?" I hear a voice say. I look up and see Skylor standing in the doorway of my room.  I told the girls I had to grab my phone from my room, and I accidentally lost myself in the texting world and forgot they were standing outside of the room, waiting for me.  "You find it?"

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