Chapter 3: Training Time

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'So,' Felicity said, turning to the group that included Rene Ramirez, Rory Regan, Curtis Holt and Evelyn Sharp watching the screen as the Green Arrow and Athena did their missions to find the Stardust drug, 'what did we learn?' 

'Don't piss Oliver and Evelyn off,' Curtis said. 

'Like we needed that lesson,' the teenage girl shot back. 

'Information,' Felicity said, sitting back down at the desk, 'okay, is the currency of our business. When Oliver and Evelyn get back here, they're going to ask me to analyse the drugs so we can find out where it's been manufactured.' 

'I hate drugs,' Rory said. The group turned to him. 'Not in the recreational sense. I have a life, like anyone else. It's just - I saw what all the gang violence did to my hometown.' Felicity scratched her head and cleared her throat awkwardly. 

'Um, I'm going to make DVDs of tonight's surveillance footage. Oliver wants you to study them like a football player would break down a game tape.' 

'And then he'll let us get on the field?' Rene asked impatiently. 

'I'm guessing not,' Curtis replied. 

'That guy is seriously overestimating my patience,' Rene muttered, but just then, Oliver spoke up as he and Evelyn walked into the room with their suits on and hoods off. 

'I am,' Oliver said, 'because I didn't think you had any patience, Rene.' 

'Cute,' Rene muttered. 

'Nice try, hothead,' I said, patting his arm, giving him a smirk. Oliver handed Felicity a small bag full of white powder. 

'Let's analyse this and see if we can figure out where it was manufactured.' Myself and Oliver began to walk away, when Rene spoke up. 

'Look, analysis and forensics is cool and all, but that stuff takes time. I know the neighborhood where this dealer's slinging out of. I think I can guess where the Stardust is being made.' 

'Rene, we don't deal in maybes or guesswork,' Oliver replied. 

'Or maybe rich boy Mayor Queen doesn't know the streets so good.' The both of us looked at everybody. 

'Everyone get back to your training,' I said to the group. 'You impress us in here, maybe Oliver and I will let you impress us out there.' I nodded to Felicity. 'Text me when the analysis comes back.' The two of us turned to leave, but just then Felicity spoke up. 

'B-and-E at a shipping center on 8th and Amsterdam. Gunman armed with an AR-15.' Oliver nodded and the two of us walked off. 

The next day (at the mayoral office)... 

Oliver and I stepped out of the elevator into the office building, with the both of us wearing normal clothes (well, at least, what was normal for the mayor and his sister).

'Your Honor, we need to talk,' a security detail guard asked, walking up to Oliver and I. 

'Where'd you go last night?' Oliver asked. 'I looked around the theater after the movie, and I couldn't find you.' 

'Mr. Mayor, we need to take your security detail more seriously,' the man said. We both turned. 'That includes you too, Ms. Queen.' 

'We were serious when we said that we didn't want a security detail,' Oliver snapped. 'Look where that got me? Late for a meeting.' He walked over to a door and held it open for me and we both stepped in to see Thea watching the large television screen at the end of the room. 

'What are you two doing here?' Thea asked, looking between the two of us. 'You weren't supposed to be here until 9:00.' 

'Our meeting was scheduled for 8.' 

'Exactly,' Oliver replied. 'Who's this?' he asked, nodding to the newsanchor woman on the television. 

'This is Susan Williams,' Thea said, letting out a groan, 'and she is officially my least favorite person on the planet.' I laughed. 

'I thought your least favorite person was your dad,' I shot back to her. She gave me a look and unmuted the television for us to hear the woman speaking. 

'It's not just that Oliver Queen's pick for deputy mayor has a history of alcohol abuse. Recent reports confirm that Quentin Lance suffered a relapse right before Mayor Queen appointed him.' Oliver turned towards his youngest sister. 

'I told you not to offer Quentin a job in the administration, and you decide to offer him Deputy Mayor?' he snapped. 

'You did what?!' I echoed indignantly. 'Do you realise how bad that could look?' 

'Okay, so that's what those 5 voicemails were about,' Thea said, finally realising. 

'Yeah, no shit, Sherlock,' I muttered. 

'The thing that I told you not to do?' Oliver asked. 

'I listened to what you told me not to do,' Thea said, 'but then I decided to do what I thought was right, anyway, and guess who I got that from.' 

'I'm an elected official,' Oliver snapped. 'I have to answer to voters and the free press.' She went to say something, but he stopped her. 'Unravel this, Speedy. Make it go away.' 

'That's going to be a little hard to do now that the story's out there,' Thea replied as the two of us walked away. 

'I don't care. You made this mess. You clean it up.' Then the two of us walked out of the room, leaving Thea alone. 

A couple hours later... 

Oliver stood in his office, talking on the phone. 

'Mrs. Conahan, this person will be apprehended. I have the anti-crime unit working overtime on this. Trust me. We will get justice for your husband.' Just then the door opened and someone stormed through with a small manila file in hand. 

'Thought that was my job,' the man snapped. 

'Goodbye,' Oliver said, switching off the call and immediately turning around to face the other man, who slammed the file onto the desk. 'I'm sorry. You are?' 

'Royally. Pissed. Off.' 

'I'm getting that,' Oliver said slowly. 'What I don't understand is who you are or what you're doing in my office.' 

'Adrian Chase,' the man replied. 'Your new -' 

'District Attorney,' Oliver said, still hesitant, but shaking the man's hand anyways. 'I'm sorry that we haven't met.'

'I'm buried up to my eyeballs in motion practice and indictments with a staff who's barely made it past 3 rounds of budget cuts, so how about we save the pleasantries for the next fundraiser and get down to why I am so...' 

'You're so pissed off.' 

'Royally. Remember Vertigo?' 

'Believe it or not,' Oliver said with a grimace, 'I tried to buy some once.'

'Yeah, I believe it. Well, what's hitting the street is a million times worse.' 

'Stardust.' Chase frowned, to which Oliver replied. 'I'm not as out of touch as most people think, but I do have some work to get done, Mr. Chase, so why don't we get to the bottom of why you're so pissed off?' 

'I've been building a case against the dealer, Derek Sampson. I was going to flip him, but last night somebody killed him.' 

'Rival dealer?' Oliver asked. 

'A vigilante.' 

'That doesn't sound like the Green Arrow. Or Athena.'

'Not him,' Chase said. 'Some idiot in a hockey mask.' Oliver looked down and then back up at him with a frown on his features. 

'I'm sorry. Did you say a hockey mask?' 

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