Chapter 7: The Meeting

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Oliver Queen, his sister Evelyn and their friend John Diggle walked into the bar, seeing Anatoly sitting in the corner. 

'Ты всегда был упрям, Оливер (You always were stubborn, Oliver),' Anatoly said in Russian. The three of us stopped behind the chair in front of the Russian gangster. 

'Мы нуждаемся в твоей помощи (We need your help),' Oliver replied in the same language. 

'И глупо иногда (And stupid on occasion),' Anatoly replied. I had to force myself to not let out a laugh, even though what he said was painfully true of my brother. 

'I made a mistake with Leonov,' Oliver admitted. 'It was a challenging time, but you still owe me for Gregor,' he replied, with a bit of anger to his voice. 

'Lucky for you, I never liked Leonov. Sit.' The three of us sat, and Anatoly directed me over to his side, and I sat in a chair next to him, with the short gangster gently reaching out and patting my hand. I smiled briefly. 'John Diggle, it's good to see you,' he added. 'Now you my favorite American.' 

'Thanks,' John said, seeming vaguely amused. 

'Hey, I thought I was your favorite American,' I mock complained. 

'You still are, darling Athena,' he replied. He turned back to Oliver. 'So what brings you to Russia?'

'We're looking for a U.S. general that has gone rogue. We have reason to believe he's trying to sell a nuke to Markovian terrorists.' 

'What concern is that of yours?' Anatoly asked. 

'Are you going to help me find this man or not?' Oliver snapped. 

'After business with Leonov, just me sitting with you squares us with Gregor, yes?' 


'Then we are even and back to how things work in Bratva.' 

'I help you, you help me.' 

'An arrangement you refused with Leonov, if I'm not mistaken.' 

'An arrangement I'm going to refuse again. That part of my life is over.' 

'Well, then, I cannot help you, but I can offer you some free advice,' Anatoly replied. 'Act quickly, Oliver. The Markovians do not, as you Americans say, sit on their hands.' 

Several hours later... 

We'd acted out as quickly as possible. But then things had gone south, and both John and Felicity had crossed moral lines to catch our enemies. And now Oliver and I were going to handle it, with a visit to our old friend Anatoly. We entered the room we had been in just hours earlier. 

'What do you need us to do?' Oliver asked, coming to stand behind Anatoly. He took a look at the two of us, replying in an amused tone, 

'That did not take long.' 

'Anatoly, what do you want?' I asked impatiently. He turned back to the bar bench and filled up three shot glasses with vodka, handing two of them to Oliver and I. 

'To our imperfect union. Ваше здоровье (To your health),' Anatoly said. 

'Ваше здоровье (To your health),' we replied in unison, clinking our glasses and drinking deeply. 

The two of us walked into the house after our mission with Dinah, helping the Bratva out with a small job. Meaning, a dirty job. 

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