Chapter 11: Thrown to the Wolves

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Oliver stared out the window of his office when the door opened, and Adrian Chase, along with Evelyn Queen, walked in. 

'You speak with Pollard?' Oliver asked. 

'She won't call you to testify without Kullen's blessing.' 

'We're not gonna get that,' Evelyn spoke up. 

'And the council hearing directly from you is one of two ways I can see us winning this thing,' Adrian said. 

'What's the second way?' Oliver said, turning around to face the two of them. 

'You won't like it.' 

'Does it involve offering up a sacrificial lamb?' 

'Either me or Detective Malone,' Adrian replied simply. 'Oliver, this impeachment is about punishing someone, and if you don't offer up a name, this will be the last time you're looking out that window.' 

'If the council's not going to let me testify at the hearing,' Oliver replied, 'then I need to take my case directly to the public.' 

'A press conference?' I asked. Oliver looked over at me. 


'Mind filling me in on who you're throwing under the bus?' Adrian asked. 

'The Green Arrow.' 

Hours later... 

Oliver, myself (Evelyn), Adrian, Dinah and Quentin stood inside the building, getting ready to go out and deliver a press conference. Oliver and I walked up to the door, and Dinah was on the phone. 

'Yep?' she asked over the line. 'I'm listening. All right. Copy that.' She walked forwards to where we were and spoke in a low tone to the two of us. 'Vigilante is across the street, sixth floor. He's gonna take you out as soon as you walk outside into the open.' 

'Is the team on site?' Oliver asked. 


'Then it'll be fine,' I said. We stepped out and Oliver stepped up to the platform, with the rest of us standing near him, listening to him give his speech. 

'Evening, everyone,' Oliver said to the crowd of reporters. 'I'd like to thank the city council for conducting these hearings with honesty and integrity. Simply wish that I could have done the same in regards to the Green Arrow's murder of Detective William Malone. When I took the oath of office, I promised to be honest and forthright. I never wanted to be a politician who relied on dirty politics or underhanded tactics. And in the spirit of that transparency, I think I owe everyone an explanation as to why I covered up what the Green Arrow did. I did it in a misguided attempt to protect everyone from the tragic news that the Green Arrow had become a cop killer, that a man we had put our faith in had failed this city, and I didn't think we could afford to lose another hero. But the truth is more important, and the truth is that the Green Arrow has gone rogue. We must disavow him. We must hunt him and and punish him for what he has done. Green Arrow's not a hero. He's what's keeping Star City from being the best that it can be. Thank you very much.' We turned and left, heading back into the city hall. 

Several more hours later... 

Oliver and I walked into the Arrow hideout. 

'Council isn't impeaching, stilll the mayor,' Oliver said, Curtis giving a cheer of delight. 

'Yet the Green Arrow is public enemy number one,' Rene spoke up.

'We've dealt with the police on our backs before,' John said. 

'Not like this,' Dinah replied. 'One of their own is dead.' 

'No,' Felicity said. 'Dinah's right, and now we know just how much the police can interfere with our work here.' 

'Um... can I go?' Curtis asked, raising his hand halfway. 'Kind of getting back together with Paul. It's a big deal. Uh, can I leave? Can I -' 

'Yes,' Oliver replied. 'Of course. Go. Have fun. Everyone should have fun tonight. Uh, just quickly, though - might have buried the headline here, you all saved my life, and five months ago, I never would have thought that was possible. Thank you for working hard. Thank you for working together. Thank you for -' 

'Sorry,' Curtis interrupted. 'I - I mean, thank you for saying thank you, wow, man to man, that means a lot, but I'm really late to see Paul, so -'

'Give Paul my best,' Oliver replied. 

'Thank you.' 

'Good luck.' Curtis ran out the door of the hideout, with Felicity shouting after him, 

'Good luck!' 

Later that evening... 

Susan Williams walked to her car. Just as she unlocked it and was about to get in, Adrian Chase's voice called out to her from behind. 

'Susan.' She spun around, letting out a small gasp of surprise. 

'Oh, hey.' 

'I thought we could talk.' 

'About what?' 

'An exclusive,' he said softly. 

'Can we set up the meeting tomorrow? I'm late for a dinner.' She moved to get in, but he caught the door and shut it, giving her a threatening look. 

'The thing is that this story, it's important. You could call it life or death.' 

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