Chapter 13: Prometheus vs. Arrow

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Oliver walked around the corner of the building in his Green Arrow suit and heard a whimper of pain as the elevator dinged, indicating someone was stopping on the floor of the building. Susan Williams sat tied to a chair, a nasty injury on her head. 

'Oliver!' she cried out. He ran in and knelt in front of her. 

'Hey. Are you okay?' he asked softly. 

'Yeah. A-Adrian Chase is -'

'I know!' He stood, came behind her and cut her free from the chair. 'Don't worry. I'm gonna get you out of here.' She stood shakily. Just as the two were about to make their way out, the elevator doors closed suddenly. 

'What's happening?' 

'Chase is controlling the elevator,' Oliver replied. 'Susan, we need to get you out of here. This building is gonna explode.' 

'What about -'

'Chase wants me. You're no longer his target.' 

'I was gonna say; what about you?'

'I'm going to finish this.' Just then the elevator doors opened again. 'Get to safety,' he told her, then went out of the elevator. Walking around a corner from the elevator, he entered the room to see Prometheus standing there. 

'Hello, Oliver,' Prometheus said darkly. He pulled off the mask to reveal Adrian Chase underneath. 'I'm glad Talia told you. I prefer it this way, face to face. There's an honesty to it.' 

'Well, honestly... I'm going to keep both of us here until this building comes down on top of us.'

'Then you'd be dead.' 

'So would you,' Oliver shot back. 

'Really? You really think I'd let that happen, Oliver?' He raised a small device that turned off the incendiary devices all around the building. 'Remember, I'm always ten steps ahead of you.' 

'If that were true, you probably would have seen this coming.' John Diggle walked around the corner with Doris, Adrian's wife. He turned to see her and his eyes immediately filled with concern. 

'Adrian?' she asked.

'You shouldn't be here.' 

'How else was I supposed to find out the truth? You cheated on me with another woman; you killed all those people.' 

'It's not that simple,' he said, attempting to rectify the situation. 

'You killed them. It's simple.' She stepped towards him, cradling his face in her hands. 'I know, baby. This can't be you. It's not you.' He pulled her into his embrace. 

'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry,' he said, his voice cracking slightly. He glared at Oliver. 'Why did you make her come here?' She pulled slightly away from him. 

'To get you to stop. You have to stop,' she pleaded. 'You have to - you have to turn yourself in.' 

'I can't do that.' 

'Please. Whatever this is, whatever you're doing, it's over.' 

'You'd tell the police?' 

'No. You tell them.' 

'You're right. I'm gonna take care of this,' he said softly. Then, a small gasp spilled from Doris' lips as a blood-covered blade fell to the ground. She stumbled backwards, holding her stomach. 

'John!' Oliver exclaimed. John caught Doris and ran, while Oliver engaged Adrian in a fight. After a while of trading violent blows, Oliver stumbled to his feet, and so did Adrian, freshly bleeding from the nose. 

A Dangerous Love: Athena and Prometheus (An Arrow: Season 5 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now