Chapter 14: Dark Side

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Memories flashed through Oliver's head. Justin Claybourne's death, the vengeance of the Hood let loose upon the city of Starling, following the list. 

'Did you hesitate at all when you killed him,' Prometheus' voice echoed in his head, 'or was he just another name you crossed off your list?' 

'If you kill me, you'll only really be killing yourself,' Adrian's voice also echoed in his head. '4... 3... 2... 1.' Then a hand pulled him up, and he gasped, shaking the water from his hair and eyes. Adrian Chase walked away from Oliver, grabbing a towel and wiping his hands. 

'145 seconds,' Adrian said simply. 'That's how long my father struggled under the water before he died. According to my father's autopsy, your arrow pierced his aortic arch, but it didn't kill him. No. He was still conscious enough to feel his lungs filling with water for 145 seconds.' 

'And here you were bragging about a plan more intricate than torture,' Oliver replied. Adrian came over and knelt in front of him. 

'Did you ever think about why I chose the name Prometheus? He challenged the omnipotence of the gods. You see, because, like you, they play judge, jury and executioner. But Prometheus took away their power.' 

'If that's what you're going to do to me, you'll need to come up with something better than whatever this is,' Oliver replied. 

'I did. And the only way for you to stop it is to confess.' Adrian stood again. 

'That I killed your father?' 

'Nothing so pedestrian. I want you to tell me a secret, Oliver. I want you to confess to the one thing that you've been afraid to admit to yourself.' 

'How many times am I going to tell you... that I don't know what you're talking about!' Oliver exclaimed. 

'Fine,' Adrian replied blankly. 'You'll come around eventually.' He walked around to stand behind Oliver. 'Now, where were we?' He grabbed Oliver's head and shoved it back into the water basin. '145, 143, 142...' 

Several hours later... 

Oliver was laying on the ground, shirt removed. He got up to his knees with a groan. 

'Do they look familiar?' Adrian asked. 

'What is this?' 

'Do you even remember their faces? These are your victims,' Adrian replied, gesturing to several photos on the wall of the prison cell, men and women alike. Oliver eased himself to his knees, looking up at Adrian. 

'They were people who did terrible things. They had victims.' 

'And husbands and wives, daughters, sons. Confess your secret, Oliver, and all of this ends. I'll give you a gift, and you can walk out that door and go back home.' 

'Adrian, you're sick. And a hypocrite. There is nothing that I've done that compares with you. You murdered your own wife.' Adrian went over to the wall and pulled down a photo. 

'Cecil Adams. You knew him by his street name, the Count.' He placed the photo down on the floor. 'You put three arrows in him.' 

'He was going to hurt a friend of mine.' 

'Felicity Smoak.' Adrian slung on his quiver, and picked up his bow, then turned to Oliver. 'Confess or you get the same three arrows.' 

'Go to hell,' Oliver growled. 

'I've already been there, Oliver, and I've come back with a message for you.' He pulled an arrow out of his quiver, and shot Oliver in the right shoulder, three times. 

A Dangerous Love: Athena and Prometheus (An Arrow: Season 5 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now