How it all started

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A/N: This story will start from the entrance exam to the start of the war that has started in the manga a bit ago. Hope you enjoy my story!

Izuku had started panicking, he hadn't got a single point! He started looking around, trying to find a single robot to destroy. Bakugo had kept destroying robots at a faster pace than he can find one robot. Izuku hated him, but he had to give credit to him for being able to destroy most of the robots and a fast rate. Most of the robots had been destroyed, but at the flash of a second he saw everyone running away from something. He looked up and saw a giant zero point robot that had caused everyone to get out of that area. Izuku was in shock, he couldn't move. But then he heard a struggle in front of him. A violet haired girl was trapped under the rubble from one of the destroyed buildings. He couldn't bare to watch someone get stuck under the rubble and be trapped and fail the entrance exam. He sprung up, he couldn't control his body. It was like his body was running on pure adrenaline, he gained control of his body. He was up the height of the robot, He had jumped just as high as all might normally does. He screamed DETROIT SMASH! The robot was falling. He destroyed it, he actually destroyed it HE ACTUALLY DESTROYED IT. But, how would he get down! His arms and legs were broken, was he gonna die! He started falling, thinking of a way to catch himself. He couldn't think of anything, he was gonna die. He had let all might down, he let down his mom. He closed his eyes, but felt something around his waist, ear jacks. The violet haired girl, that was under the rubble. She had caught him with her earphone jacks, she looked hurt but she still looked ok.  They had both ending passing out.


Recovery girl: This is the most hurt I've ever seen 2 students before during this exam

Izuku: what.. what happened?

Recovery girl: You used to much of your quirk, your lucky your arms aren't completely broken.

Izuku: What about the girl that saved me, is she alright?

Recovery girl: She's right across from you, although she hasn't woken up yet. But she's ok, a couple bruises and scares. But she'll live.

Izuku: Good.

(30 minutes later)

Kyouka: What... what happened

Recovery girl: you passed out from your injuries, but not before saving this boy

Izuku's eyes lit up

Recovery girl: I have to get more medicine for your bones, my quirk has a limit to it. I'll be back soon

(5 minutes of silence)

(Izuku's mind)

I have to say something to her before recovery girl comes back, come on say something!

Izuku: so what's your quirk?

Kyouka: Huh? Oh Um that was out of no where

Izuku: sorry, I just thought i had to make conversation so it wasn't so awkward

Kyouka laughed: Na it's ok, and my quirk is earphone jack. I can extend the jacks from my earlobes

Izuku: That's so cool!

Kyouka: damn you get pretty excited when someone tells you there quirk.

Izuku: oh sorry that's just a habit I've had for years

Kyouka: that's makes a lot more sense.

Izuku looked at her shirt,  deep dope was written on it

Izuku: I'm guessing you like rock music?

Kyouka: how'd you guess.

Izuku: your shirt says a rock bands name on it

Kyouka: oh... I should have guessed that you saw my shirt.

Izuku: Did you forget you were wearing that. ( Izuku laughed has he said that)

Kyouka: guess I did, recovery girl is gonna come back soon. It was fun talking to you, do you wanna hang out tomorrow or something?

Izuku: yea sure

Kyouka: alright cool, here's my number.

Izuku: uh t-thank you

Kyouka: it's no problem see you later

Izuku: what... I didn't even get her name. Damnit.

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