Talks about the sports festival

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(2 days later at UA...")

"Alright class shut up, I have something important to discuss with you all." Aizawa said in his monotone voice. "The UA sports festival is coming up in a week, that means you'll have to train your hardest if you even want to have a chance in doing good. This sports festival reflects who you are as a student, and as a hero. Hero's all across the country will be watching your performances." Aizawa finished saying

Everyone was scared

"Anyways, good luck." Aizawa said laying down

The students started to talk amongst themselves, most of them were talking about who they think will win. Except for izuku and Jiro. They had experienced so much within the last few days, they were exhausted.

(One day ago)

"So we went over your report about Inko Midoryia, Mr and Mrs Jiro." One of the the police officers said.

"We can not put Ms Midoryia in a mental hospital. We think her response was justifiable enough to what her son said to her. The boy can stay with you for a week, then by law he has to go home." One of the other cops said

'Damnit' Was all kyotoku thought

"Anyways, we'll keep a watch on Ms Midoryia for the time being. We don't want her to do anything crazy." The officer finished saying

"We understand sir." Mika said to the officer.

"Good. Now, you all have a good day."

Both officers had walked out the door after a day long of discussion on what to do with Inko. Kyotoku thought izuku should stay with them until Inko could collect herself. Apparently the law didn't think the same.

"We're sorry kid, we tried." Kyotoku said rubbing Izuku's back calmly.

"It's alright sir, you actually did what you thought was the best for me. She just shut me off from everything because 'my poor baby could get injured.' "

"I just wish we could've done more..."

Izuku pov:

I was still shook, I was still apologizing about what I said to Kyouka. My moms words got to me and I took it out on her. I don't deserve her-

"Greenie? Greenie?" Kyouka said hitting my head

"Huh? O-oh. Sorry Kyouka, I zoned out." I said rubbing my head

"Whatcha thinkin about greenie?" She asked

"Just the stuff that's happened the in the past few days, I just don't know how to deal with it-" suddenly we were interrupted

"Hey deku!" Uraraka said happily

"Uh, hey?" I said confused

"Are you ready for the sports festival? I'm so excited-" suddenly she was interrupted

"Can we mind our own business without you calling him deku or being happy go lucky? We're tryna talk and you come over hear and interrupt us." Kyouka said scowling at her

I knew she wasn't a fan of uraraka, but even I knew this was too far.

"K-Kyouka it's ok, she wasn't doing anything-"

"She needs to mind her own damn business!" She screamed

Everyone turned around and the room went silent. It even woke Mr Aizawa up.

Mr aizawa had a pissed face on him.
"Jiro, you cannot speak to your classmates like that. From what I've heard, she was only trying to be friendly. If you can't get along with others, then maybe you shouldn't be in this class." Mr aizawa was always scary, but he looked pissed.

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