Aftermath pt2

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The next morning...

Location: UA High


"We need to figure out how those villains were able to break into the USJ and attack our students!" Present mic screamed

"Mic I assure you that we are trying, but we don't have any leads. We know they most likely snuck in when the press was at our front door." Aizawa said.

Aizawa was still in a a lot of pain from the nomu. So he couldn't move well or speak a lot.

"We know that they cut our signal so that we couldn't contact help. They obviously had this planned out. They may be low life criminals but I must hand it to them. They knew what they were doing. So that makes them more dangerous." Snipe added in

Nezu stood up to speak.

"We will give the students off for the next week. Something so traumatizing happening in the first month of school will definitely scare the students. We need to secure their safety when they come back to school. We will up our defenses and have hound-dog on guard duty during school hours." For being an animal, Nezu was an excellent principal.

"Does everyone understand?" Nezu asked

"Yes sir." All the teachers said

"But what if the same villains get into the school? They were only at the USJ, the school could be a worse outcome. And we don't know when they will come back. They will get stronger every-time we face them." Midnight stated

"You have a very good point Ms midnight." Nezu started to speak again.  "We will make sure of the safety of our students our number one priority. We will make them feel safe here again. Is that understood?" Nezu said more seriously.

"Yes sir." Everyone said again

"Sir if I may add?" Present mic started to speak

"You may." Nezu replied

"What about the UA sports festival? Clearly we should cancel it for the safety of our students." Mic stated

"That is something I have put a lot of thought into, but. The UA sports festival is imperative for our students to grow stronger. How will they learn to grow their quirks if they can't get the proper practice because of a villain attack. That would make the school and the hero's look weak." Nezu spoke

"Yea I guess that makes sense." Mic responded

"We will up our security three times the amount from last year. We want our students to feel safe, and to not feel I'm danger." Nezu finished speaking

"Yes sir." Everyone said

"Good, this meeting is dismissed."


(Unknown location)

"Shigaraki, do you plan to attack the UA sports festival?" Kurogiri asked

Shigaraki took a shot before speaking
"No I don't, too many heroes. I want more time to get stronger so that I can kill all might." Shigarki said slamming the class onto the counter.

"Fucking bastard." Is all shigarki said before picking up a knife and throwing it at the all might picture in the bar. " I will kill you, all might."


(Same time at Jirous house)

Kyouka POV:

My alarm clock went off, i groggily opened my eyes, 'it was already 11:30?'
I thought to myself.

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