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The next couple days we're long and eventful. All Kyouka and izuku could do were study and train. They didn't have a day to themselves.

But Kyouka would try to change that today...

(At UA)

"All right class." Mr aizawa started to speak. Probably to tell us more about the sports festival and to train more and focus. "The sports festival is in three-days. I hope you've all been training. Because if you haven't, you will embarrass yourself. And that reflects bad on me. So try to train more, goodnight." Is all aizawa said before getting in his yellow sleeping bag.

The first period bell rung, everyone grabbed their bag and started to walk to the door to go to their first class.

Izuku stood up and started to walk towards the door, but not before being stopped by Kyouka.

"Izu can we talk at lunch?" Kyouka said

This immediately sent bad signals to Izuku's brain.

Kyouka immediately caught on to what she said. "It's nothing bad Izu, I just want to talk about something."

She grabbed his hand and continued to speak "I promise izu."

Izuku went to first period while Kyouka went to hers, his mind was pacing and his heart was racing. 'Is it gonna be bad? I know she said it wasn't gonna be bad but maybe she's lying. How long until it's lunch-' His thoughts were soon interrupted

"Midoryia, pay attention. I see you zoning out!" Present mic screamed




I sat at me and kyo's table we sit at, she hadn't shown up yet though. I was about to pull out my phone and text her to ask where she was. But then my phone not a notification, it was a message from Kyo and it was her location. 'Why was it outside the building?' I thought to myself

I got up from my table and started to head towards the doors.

But not before being stopped by Ilda...

"Midoryia! Why are you leaving the building, are you skipping school like on the first day!" Ilda said with the over exaggerated hand movements he always does when talking

"Calm down Ilda, I'm not leaving the school. Just going outside with Kyouka." I said inching closer to the door.

"You seem very close to her, but she also seems to he a bad influence on you. You might wanna be careful who your friends with, Midoryia."

I didn't want to snap at him for saying that so I said the bare minimum.

"You have no say in that shit. Mind your own damn business Ilda." I said as I walked out the doors leaving Ilda shocked.

(Ilda pov, surprise surprise)

'Why did Midoryia say that to me, I was only trying to help him. He's been different recently, is something happening at home? Maybe I should get Uraraka to figure that out with me.'


"Hello uraraka." Ilda said with more hand movements.

"Oh hey Ilda! What's up?" Uraraka said cheerfully.

"Midoryia's been acting strange recently, I think it might have to deal with that Jiro girl."

"How so is he different? He's been nice to me, Jiro hasn't though." Uraraka said looking down.

"I think Jiro has been a bad influence on him, and maybe something is also going on at home that's making him act like this."

"Isn't that an invasion of his privacy? I mean, I want to know what's going on. But that seems too far, Ilda. Maybe we should just let them be and ask them when their ready."

The only one for me (Jirou x Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now