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"Aish, why the heck are we called this early in the morning. It's too dark to see anything!" Jisung our maknae exclaimed, getting annoyed. We just chuckled at his annoyed face, he just looked more cute.

"You guys are rude~~" He said, pouting, which made them burst into laughter. I went near him and side hugged him, looking at others "Yah stop teasing our maknae." I in a way ordered.

"See! That's why I love noona, she doesn't tease me like you all do" he stuck his tongue out. "Okay so Bulletproof troop. Your instructor for this field trip is...... Mr. Yugyeom"

"Hey Bulletproof troop... so let's get straight into our business. Your toop will be divided into 3 groups. I got to know that except the young lady, you have other different groups, right?" instructor Yugyeom asked. There was a chorus of yes heard.

"So... I'll be with oneus!" I exclaimed... but more of a question to confirm my thoughts. The instructor Yugyeom nodded his head with a smile.

Some of them were whining because I was not in their group. But I told them that it's okay and we can still spend time together. We all walked together till a certain point and that's where we had to separate.

Before we were separated, we were given a kit, and a map. We were walking down a trail.. Not knowing where it will take us. "It's just taking us nowhere...!" Xion said, getting frustrated.

Everyone was getting tired as well. "Guys! How about we stop here and click some pics?" I asked curiously, eyeing the beautiful nature surrounding us.

What I didn't know was that they were admiring the pic they took of me with the sunrise. Yes, sunrise. It hadn't been much long but still it felt like it had been hours we were here.

"Come on let's get into that hotel which now visible then later on we can take as much pics as we want

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"Come on let's get into that hotel which now visible then later on we can take as much pics as we want. I wanna rest." Leedo said in a tired voice.

We all nodded and went inside our respective rooms. It was not a booked room. Since, we didn't want it to be suspicious. So we went to the hotel and booked rooms there. But for our bad there was only 2 rooms available.  That's means, I had to share with boys.

So I am in sharing the room with maknae line that contains Keonhee, Hwanwoong and Xion. They won't stop whining about how they wanted to spend time with me.

《Time Skip》


e are now fresh and fully awake. The first day they have kept free so we can roam around the place to get familiar with the surrounding.

"Noona, hyung...!" Jisungs call got us to turn around facing the mirror. That's when he gave a smile and clicked the pic.

 That's when he gave a smile and clicked the pic

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Anpanman: Sequel to Mafia Step Brothers ✔Where stories live. Discover now