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In the Bangtan Mansion ~

"Till when should we keep queit hyung? This is not how it is supposed to happen...." the younger one frustratedly sighed.

"Jungkook ah, it is what it is. We can't change the fact.... it's our fault after all. Specially us, what parents just neglects their own child." The brunette man had a sad smile.

Suddenly their wars pearked up because of a feminine shreak.

"No ladies are there in the mansion, today.................. Fuck! It's Lia!" They said in unison and started running towards the sound.

They saw her door opened, peeking to the door they saw the said girl, breaking every single thing in her room.

"Wtf Lia? What are you doing? Why are you here?" Asked the brunette.

"Dad!" She cried in a heartbroken tone.

Did it hurt his heart?

A lie? Yes.... Truth? No.

He has seen Y/n more heartbroken than this, he was there with her and for her. Everytime she had an emotional breakdown. Everytime she thought her parents didn't love her. Everytime she was shown the reality, of her family loving and supporting the younger twin much more than her.

The day he saw her in her vulnerable state, he hoped no father could she their daughter in that condition. No mother to see the distrauted figure in the hospital bed. No sibling to see the trauma of going near them.

She was broken but an angel.

A brave decision any girl can take. Is to keep the baby who's father is a criminal.

Did she know who her baby's father was? No.

Does she give a fuck about it? No.

"A-ppa, h-he.... h-he" She broke down again.... crying like a pig.

He saw Jungkook going to her, rubbing her back. Saying sweet words to her.

Even though he was her father too, but he favored the older twin, Yoonjin. She reminded him of his late mother.

"Hyunjin" He heard a whisper. Turning around he saw his brother-in-laws.

"Jimin hyung, Hyunwoo ah!" He sighed.

"What happened here?"

Soon other joined, they had a shocked face.... looking at the room and then their younger brother comforting their crying neice.

Finally calming down a bit, Lia looked at her uncles with teary eyes.

"What happened dear?" Kim Hoseok asked softly. As if, she was a fragile glass, which can break any moment.

Well, he was an angel to think of all his family member as fragile. Specially his kids, neice and nephews.

"He lover her.... not me.... all he talks about is her.... each time we spend time.... all he asks is how is she, tell me more about her." Lia said crying like a pig again. Snorting after every hiccup.

Hyunjin, Hyunwoo and Yoongi frowned.

"Stop acting. And stop crying like a pig."  Yoongi said getting annoyed at her, every second.

Everyone else's except these three guys gasped.

"YOONGI!" Jin screamed. "What do you think you are doing?" He added hugging the shocked girl.

"Hyung...." He sighed.

"Did you forget what she is majoring in?"

A familiar voice boomed into the room. Everyone snapped their head towards the door. To say they were shocked... will be an understatement.

There stood their beloved older child of the family. Kwang Yoonjin was back.

But with a grown belly and a raging eyes.


They called out her name, as if it was foreign for them.

She looked at them and then again at the girl whome she dispises.

"You" She spoke out harshly.

Jin, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung all came in front of the shocked twin, who had a breakdown few seconds before.

"Stop right there Y/n. A-and.... wtf happened to you? Were you seriously whoring around the entire time you had told you had a mission?" Taehyung asked.

She clenched her jaw, and kept her hands fisted to herself. Reminding herself, they are older than her. They are their samchons.

She respects them all. But right now, she is not in good mind.

Yoongi, Hyunwoo, Hyunjin and Jungkook stood behind her.

"Please step out." She said without any emotion.

Jhope shook his head. He wanted answers.

"Where were you these 6 months? And then suddenly you show up like this? What has happened to the sweet, innocent girl? What happened after that breakdown that you left just after that?" He asked directly, looking into her ranging eyes.

For a moment they had seen a different emotion other than anger....


"Why do you all care, now?"

That question itself made everyone go one step back. Their eyes showed hurt.

"Why are you all hurt now, hmm? You never really cared for me other than her. And that has spoiled her enough, so with all due respect move aside before you face the warth of a pregnant lady." She said coldly.

Ever heard of what an angry pregnant lady could do? No?

They definitely moved some steps away, enough for their pregnant neice to go through.

She now had her hatred and angry eyes on her twin, Hwang Lia.

"You know what you have done right? You may be the best actor in our university but know one thing, I am also one of the best cop in our university. And I get to know everything. You think I don't know your intentions?" She said walking close to her face.


Everyone except Yoonjin, Hyunjin and Hyunwoo gasped.

Lia was on the floor, holding her right cheeks, crying hard with busted lips.

"You almost killed my baby!" She took the younger twin by her collar and slapped her again. This time on the opposite cheeks.

"Even though I never planned on having a baby anytime soon. It's still a blessing to my depressed and pathetic life. You have done enough damage. I won't let anyone, and by anyone means anyone ruin it. This time I will stand for myself. Call me a crazy bitch I. Don't.  Care. Know one thing, if I promise something, I don't break it. So now everyone listen here.
If anyone tries to harm my baby in anyway, they will not get away from it. I promise"

She promised wholeheartedly. It was a mother's promise to protect her child. And for that she will do anything to keep it safe.

"Also, you better get your mind out of the gutter. That boy is not good for you."

With that she left for her room in the mansion.

"Wah, that was hot babe.... just wait and watch, I am going to make you mine"

Anpanman: Sequel to Mafia Step Brothers ✔Where stories live. Discover now