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"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse!"

He had a son???? Fuck. I don't know how to help my daughter.

All I knew was that he had a wife and a daughter same age as my daughter. This is not good. I have to do something.

"Mom.... We have to do something.... unnie will be in trouble!" My younger daughter said.

"The only way we can help her, is by escaping this place. But I know for sure, she doesn't have any weakness. She is for sure a cunning bitch. A carbon copy of me."  I said reassuring her.

Because I am damn sure, she might have known. That Hwang Hyuna and Hwang Lia are not the real one. All I hope is that my brothers would have not behaved ill towards her.

Hyunwoo, my twin.

As soon as I thought about it. My tied hands felt lose. Huh?


"Ssh noona it's me. It's time for you to come back noona. Your daughter has suffered enough. And right now she and her baby is in the mouth of danger." Hyunwoo said.

"Seems like my telepathic message was being recieved by you but you pabo didn't respond fast!" I said getting a bit angry.

"I'm sorry noona. I may or maynot have ignored the telepathic waves because I was making sure our brothers and those mimick of you and Lia didn't hurt her." He said. But instead of that calming me it just made me more furious at the thought of those mimick hurting her.

"Your son.... he is going to reveal himself." He dropped that small bomb.

That's all that was needed for me to break out into a genuine smile. But soon replaced with a frown.

"Let's go before anyone tries to spoil his and Y/n's plans. Come on Lia."

We escaped the place making sire to blast the building before leaving the place.

Let's go and meet my son, daughter, future son-in-law, my hubby and my brothers and their family.

Let's finally finish this.


"Well, well, well! Look who is here? The one and only son of Yonghwa, hmm?" She asked smirking.

"You know what.... you look just like your omma. It will be more fun to destroy you, bow that you have a mini you or mini me" He said roaring from laughter.

He saw her smirk dissappear and now she had her usual resting bitch face. But her eyes held something..... amusement?

What is she amused about?

She tsked and started walking around me. The aura she emitted made me gulp and shiver in place.

My dad must have been foolish and an idiot to mess up with her mother and now making me mess up with this beautiful lady, who is walking around me.

She let out a chuckle.


"You must not have really investigated about me now... did you? If you would have.... you would have got to know.... I finish my problem from the root of it." She whispered in my ears. Making me almost piss my pants.

I gave her a confused look. Which made her laugh and then she clapped her hands in a pattern.

Soon few very well build men came from behind her. Pulling someone....

Anpanman: Sequel to Mafia Step Brothers ✔Where stories live. Discover now