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I thoroughly thought about it. "I shouldn't stop my course just because I am pregnant, right baby?"

I was caressing my baby bump after applying body lotion on it.

"Oppas do you think I should go back to Uni and continue my studies? Its anywyas last year." I asked to no one particular.

"It's your wish Bubba, after all you are caring the baby. And it's also healthy for both you and the baby to get some exercise."

"Okay then, I'll go. Atleast that way, I won't have those stupid thoughts." I mumbled the last sentence.

"I heard that Bubba."

"Hehe Donghae oppa it's nothing. Anyways I'm hungry, also I'll call my partner to come and pick me up." I said.

"Okay, do that. Till then I will prepare food for you."

"Oppa, I'll come to the dinning room to eat. This is my home too, and I don't care what people think about me." I said winking at him.

He chuckled at my behavior and said' You'll never change will you?"

"Everybody say no~"

This cause both of us to laugh. And we started walking out of my room. Here comes the part where my siblings expect that bitch and my uncles and parents are worried about.

The one and only,


I still remember how after they accepted the fact that I was pregnant and was not going to drop it. They started showing some sort of care to me and my baby.

But still that doesn't mean, I am forgiving for whatever they did that easily.

"Bubba, are you going to forgive them? Your samchons?" Oppa asked.

I scrunched my nose. Okay fuck, this smell.

I quickly but carefully got down the stairs and went outside the mansion. And went straight to the garden.

I took in a deep breathe and relaxed. I did that few times and my vomiting sensation relaxed, but that was until few of my samchons decided to come.

"Ugh, fuck them. Can't get my peace. Shit!" I exclaimed the last word loudly and puked in a corner.


I hate that smell.

I felt someone hold my hair. I garbled my mouth and washed my face with the bottle I had

I looked behind and saw my partner, Raven.

"Oh, hey Ravn. I was about to call you. Wait... what are you doing here?" I asked him.

Holy moly, is it just me or does he really looks so goood.

"Oh, well we have to attend an important meeting and everyone has to come with their partners

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"Oh, well we have to attend an important meeting and everyone has to come with their partners." Ravn said.

"Oh, also wear something formal, because there will be heads of board attending the meeting" He added.

Anpanman: Sequel to Mafia Step Brothers ✔Where stories live. Discover now