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"She was not fragile
like a flower.
She was fragile
like a bomb"

It's been a few months , since I heard them talk....

Do they think of us... me, as fragile person?

I scoffed at the thought. I, for very well know that my sister maybe fragile but not me. I know very well that since I am carrying a baby with me in my womb, and can go in labor any minute from now... they think of me as a week fragile girl.

"Stop your thoughts there itself, baby. You should be resting, you don't want to deliver the baby here right. So please sit down here." he tried to convince me.

Why do I love him this much? Did I confess? Ofcourse...... not! But I have agreed on letting him take care of me. And when I do feel confident about my feelings for him I will be his.

//I forgot the what is the word used for it, let me know if you know it.//- an

"Its hard for me to see, my family suffering like this. Will you be there for and with me?" I asked him looking into his eyes and cupping both his cheeks.

"I will my love. No matter what your going to decide, I will always be there for and with you. Now tell me, what is your crazy yet sexy brain thinkingabout?" He said, making me playfully glare at him but am sure that my cheeks are red.

I looked at him in the eyes with determination, and spoke just one word. Enough for hell to break lose.


He looked as if I grew two heads. But quickly agreed. He knows who is waiting for us on the other side.

"Its time for you to reveal yourself oppa. Your bubba is going to wait for her older brother to reveal himself and execute the plan." I said smirking and getting ready for the important mafia ball, where every hell will go lose.


The sky was trembling, as if it knows what's happening or what is about to happen.

There, they were trying their best to win the fight. Everyone knows that Bangtan and Jaguar have not lose any fight before they left the field of mafia.

Everyone were badly injured but were fighting hard with their enemies. While their kids were locked up in a dungeon. Well every kids except Y/n, Ravn and Rawon.

You wonder how he was safe? Well, the three of them went to Y/n's doctor bestfriend. She didn't want to know about the gender of the baby, it wanted it to be surprised.

"It's time. Let's go!" Y/n said.

She elegantly walked through the fight and stood centre the fight. Her elegance had made the fight stop as soon as she stepped into the outdoor mafia ball.

//I'm sorry. The pic may or may not be uploaded due to network issues on my side.//- a/n

(This the dress that you are wearing👆🏻)

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(This the dress that you are wearing👆🏻)

(This the dress that you are wearing👆🏻)

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(This is how your eyes makeup looks👆🏻)

(This is how your eyes makeup looks👆🏻)

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(This is how your lips looks👆🏻)

(This is how your lips looks👆🏻)

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(This is how your choker looks.... an identification to your name👆🏻)

The trembling of the sky had stopped, the dark clouds adorned it now. It was calm everywhere.

That calm, the one before a storm comes.

The Mafias present there were confused. Everyone were overthinking who was that beauty in black? That too a pregnant one.

"Who are you?" The Spanish Mafia intergotated her, seeming geniually interested.

"Black Luna"

Those two words were enough, one could hear them trembling in fear.

"W-what are you doing h-here?" One of them asked.

"She is the Mafia Princess.... daughter of Mafia Queen." Said a familiar voice which shocked everyone.


"He is alive?"

Hey guys!
How are you all doing?
More two chapters to go for the book to end.
I have found 2 new plots for upcoming books.
I will try best to update on weekends since when I go back to hostel the network is not always stable.
Stay safe and Take care!
Thank you for 1.11k reads and 92 followers.
Once we reach 100 followers, let's give a name to our sweet family 💜💜💜

Anpanman: Sequel to Mafia Step Brothers ✔Where stories live. Discover now