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Currently I am here siting in the que waiting for my turn to come.

It all happend so fast, I don't even know how to explain.... I had a small smile plastered on my lips looking down lovingly and caressing my stomach.


Does it only happens to me or is for everyone?
There are times  when you don't get periods on time or is too delayed and you think you are pregnent even after being single for life.

You know what? I am fucking crazy! But you know what, I am so fucking happy that 'he' came and took me with him.

No one knows who he is except my father and my unnie and oppa.

"I am scared unnie.... what if something goes wrong? I don't want anything wrong to happen!" I said, I am here in the toilet with a pregnancy test in my hand. You see it's been 2 months I have not got my periods.

"Calm down baby girl. You remember you have Hypothyroid right? That also cause irregular periods." She said.

I just nodded hoping it's because of that only... and nothing else.

"Unnie, where is 'he'?" I asked unnie getting a bit teary. Wtf is wrong with my hormones?

"He is arranging your room" She said softly rubbing my sore back.... quickly calming my muscles down.


"Do you think she will like this color for her room?" He asked Mingyu.

Mingyu chuckled and said, "Hyung you don't have to be nervous about it. You already know she likes blue, white, black and purple... with any of their shades. And you have put those only. Now chill and let's go she her room."

"Is her snacks ready? And what about Mr. Hwang? When is he going to arrive?" He asked, getting stressed.

"Aye hyung, chill up, you're getting too much worked up." Mingyu said giving him some water to drink.

"How can I not.... I am going to meet him after so many years being apart." He said sighing.

It was almost time for lunch when I remembered I have to fucking see the result it.

I went to the washroom and took out the test and that's when he'll broke down.

"I-I.... wtf! UNNIE!!!" I started sobbing. I don't know what to do and what not to to.

Should I be happy?

Hearing my voice, Mingyu oppa, Hyoyeon unnie and him came running to the door.

They all gasped looking at my broken figure and looking at the test in my hand.

"What should I do?" I asked crying.

"It's okay Y/nnie! We are here with and for you." They said. Unnie hugged me saying, "it's okay everything is going to be okay. And we will support you with whatever decision you are going to take. Just give it a thought carefully."

"Hwang Yoonjin"

I went inside and greeted the doctor, which happened to be my best friend. She is the only female bestfriend that I have except for my cousins.

"Jiji baby? What are you doing here?" She asked giving me a bear hug. It made me tear up... I missed her, her warm hugs, her laugh... again! Wtf is wrong with me.... oh yea! The hormones.

I sighed and parted the hug  she carefully scanned me.

"Wtf! How? When?"

"Hawsa~ Yah..." I said finally breaking down once again.

Damn how many times did I break down?

"Let's get you checked up first.... arraso?" She said wiping my tears. I nodded and followed he to the bed.

"I'll be applying a gel on your tummy. It will be cold." She instructed.

When she applied the cold gel, it made me flinch. She frowned at my action but didn't say anything.

"Let's look at the screen what it's saying..... Holy shi-" She gasped.

I gulped.

"You're pregnant.... 4 months."

My eyes widened. 4 freaking months? I have a small human in my womb for 4 freaking months.

"So... who is the father?" She said wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"I don't know" I said sadly sighing.

"What happened Jiji?" She asked in concern.

"I was raped"

Hey guys!
I hope you all are doing good.
How are you liking the book so far? Let me know in the comments.

Also, I would like you all to choose 'him'.... what I mean is, I want a name and a face for the character. Since it's one of the main characters. It can be any male idol or male actor.

Anpanman: Sequel to Mafia Step Brothers ✔Where stories live. Discover now