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Author POV:

Y/n was mentally preparing herself to see pity in the doctor's eyes. But that's not what she got. It was something different...... was it respect? But why?

"Why do you look shocked?" She asked. Y/n came back to her senses. "Are you not disgusted or feel pity?" She asked surprised but had a tone of greatfulness.

The doc just shook her head and gave her a smile. But there was something that she needed to ask "What are you planning to do with your baby? Are you keeping the little human or-"

Y/n didn't let her complete the sentence.  "I will not kill a baby who has not even seen the world. I will protect my child and give him/her all the love in the world." She said rubbing her baby bump, smiling.

"That's a good decision Y/n ah. And never forget that unnie is there with you." She said giving her a hug and handing over her file.

"Oh btw unnie, how many old is my baby?" Y/n asked, pouting.

Even though she was 25 years old, she was still a child from heart.

"You are 2 months pregnant jiji.... I'll call my fiancé to drop you back home safely, arraso?" She said.

Y/n nodded and gave her a sincere smile.

♤♤♤♤Time Skip♤♤♤♤

She felt so good in when the cool breeze and the cold water softly hit her.

"Y/n~~ come on at least wet your leg fully. You will feel more good." He said.

"Aish.... okay Dong Hee oppa~" She replied while walking to him.

 okay Dong Hee oppa~" She replied while walking to him

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He her hands and carefully led her into the water.

"You look beautiful Bubba!" He gave her his famous smile, his eyes were full of adoration for his Bubba.

"You look beautiful Bubba!" He gave her his famous smile, his eyes were full of adoration for his Bubba

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"Oppa....." She tugged his shirt while calling him. He looked at her with concern.

"Is everything okay Bubba? Are you hurt? Do you wanna go back home?" He started rambling her with questions.

She just gave him an annoyed look. Which shut him down immediately, he gulped and gave her a nervous smile.

"Umm... Hehe.... what did you want to say Bubba?" He asked her.

"When are you going to reveal you identity? They think you are dead... oppa... why do trust her more.... do they not even love me?" Her tears were running down, continuously.

"Fucking hormones..." She mumbled our loud.

This made him giggle... she pouted and hit him, not that hard to hurt him.

"Yah yah yah.... stop it Missy, you hurting your oppa." He said dramatically.

"What a dramatic ass...." She deadpan.

"Why are women so scary when they are pregnant or on periods...?" He mumbled looking at her going back to their villa, which was near the beach.

What is the relation between Dong Hee and Y/n? Why is he hiding his identity and from who?


Hey guys!
How are you all doing?

I know I have not been updating much lately. I just feel so down, I am struggling to keep myself motivated.

So, please don't be a ghost reading... do vote and comment.
Not necessarily about the book but anything...
Also I will be updating by short chapters since by exams are close.

I hope you all understand!
Thank you!
Have a nice day!
Stay safe and Take care!
Love you all

Anpanman: Sequel to Mafia Step Brothers ✔Where stories live. Discover now