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As soon as I got the call... all the three of us felt anger towards Lia. I know she is our sister... but that 'lover' of her is just adding fuel to her jealousy.

"I swear... if Y/n goes back to that depressed and miserable like that year. I am going to put bullets in her head." He said, his eyes bloodshot with all the anger he had for Lia.

I put my mask on, and rushed to Mingyu's car... where his twin was also seated.

"Let's get going fast!" I exclaimed, making Mingyu step on the accelerator, running the car at the max speed he could.

"Oppa, we'll tell them that you are her personal doctor Dr. Lim, so your identity will be still hidden." Hyoyeon said... editing out my documents in her tab.

I gave a small smile and nodded.


I ran and ran... following those people who were dragging Lia's unconscious body to a dark alley.

I know I'll be risking myself but that's what I am training for... to save people and even though I don't have a liking towards my own twin, I can't just let her go through hell.

"This girl always invites trouble... like Troubles is her middle name!" I muttered in the walkie talkie... with my partner which happened to Raven.

"Wait for me to get there... and don't do anything stupid.!" He replied.

I just hummed in response, because no way in hell was I going to let anything happen to her... and another reason being my mother, she will skin me alive if anything happens to her favorite daughter... no wait, scratch that, her favorite child.

"I'll be just following them, but hurry up." I informed him before lowering the volume of the walkie talkie.

I stopped walking when I saw 'him' and Lia going inside a room, I decided to wait and see how much time they take to come out. I almost let out a scream when I felt someone keep their hand on my shoulder. I took the hand and was about to twist it when that person undo my grip and instead gripped my wrist, covering my mouth. That person got very close to me and said "Are you planning to hurt your partner?" I let out a sigh and bit his palm, making him retrieve it with a low groan.

I just eyes him and then looked at the closed door, making him follow my sight. His mouth was slightly open because of the shock..... there were weird noises coming from in the room.

"What the heck is happening in there? Is she, is she insane or what?" He asked not taking his wide eyes off the closed door.

"I ain't her..." I told in a duh tone.

"Yah, you young lady don't use that tone on -" before he could start scolding me. He was cut off by a loud female shreik followed by a thud.

"What just happened? Fuck! It's Lia!" We looked at each other and rushed inside.... the scene in front of us made us disgusted and in surprise.

"What the hell!"

⚠️ TW: Mention of rape and torture scene ahead. Those who get triggered ease skip the part till another 'danger sign' is given⚠️

Lia and that guy were on the floor covered with blood. Her dress was ripped from her shoulder. Her shoulder had a few scratch marks. The guy was half naked and looking at him disgusted me more.

Anpanman: Sequel to Mafia Step Brothers ✔Where stories live. Discover now