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Isaac moaned as he opened his eyes. At the edges of the heavy red curtains in the window, he watched the lingering remnants of sunlight dim. His slow smile spread into a grin when he heard the moan beside him. Isaac had known Ava for decades but his heart still jumped when he saw her. Her tousled red hair looked like a fiery island on the white pillow.

Ava's green eyes opened and she slowly returned his smile.

"What?" she asked.

Isaac leaned over and kissed her, feeling a stir when she gripped his neck and returned it. Her lips were soft and luscious. His fingers gently laced through hers, tightening as they pulled each other closer.  For once, he missed his humanity so he could fully appreciate Ava's warmth. 

Isaac didn't want to stop, but he had a plan for them. He pulled away slowly. "Happy anniversary."

She rubbed the back of his neck. "Happy anniversary love."

Ava looked over at the window and smiled. "I guess it's time."

They got out of bed and Isaac watched Ava stroll to the bathroom before moving to the window. He took a breath and peeked outside. He peered through the clouds and saw the last bit of sun fade away. He sniffed the night air. It'd be clear tonight. Perfect.

Although their penthouse apartment made up the entire first floor, they only decorated the rooms they actually used: the kitchen, a living room and the bedroom. Isaac went to the living room and turned on the TV. The weatherman excitedly reported a cool night and confirmed the the first night of clear weather in two weeks. Isaac smiled again. He'd gotten a new suit two weeks ago and was grateful to wear it. He had a perfect plan. Then the news anchor took over and his report made Isaac frown.

Their city had an unwanted visitor. One that had the police on alert and Ava spending her nights away from him. It started three weeks ago when a woman was found in an alleyway, but the body count grew every night and Ava had no luck in finding who was responsible. Isaac never said aloud, but that scared him. If the Regent herself wasn't having success, then he knew anyone could. He knew it was her duty to find whoever was responsible and, even though he knew it was near impossible, Isaac didn't want his wife to get hurt.

That's why he wanted this night to be perfect. He didn't want her to think about Regent duties Tonight, he wanted to be husband and wife. The smell of rose and berry perfume made him forget about the killer. Ava wore a green dress with a matching shawl that highlighted her pale skin and showed off a slim, fit figure. Isaac swooned.

"Maybe we don't have to go out," Isaac suggested. "I think want to you all to myself."

Ava rolled her eyes and laughed. "No! Go get dressed."

Isaac didn't take long. He showered, put on lotion and cologne before pulling a garment bag out of the closet. Olive green was Ava's favorite color and he couldn't wait to see her face when she saw him in it. He pulled on a black turtleneck, slipped the suit on over it and looked in the mirror. The green accented his own dark skin and the turtleneck accented the suit.

Ava's eyes widened when she saw him and the corners of her mouth tugged. Isaac laughed then grabbed a bottle from under the counter.

Ava sniffed the air. "A Pompeii 79?"

"Only the best," Isaac opened the cabinet and grabbed two glasses.

"I'll have to return the favor when we get back," Ava glided over to the large window where a dining room would have been.

The Chicago streets beneath them were busy and colorful, but didn't have nearly as many people as Isaac was used to. Isaac would never say this in front of his wife but he thanked the serial killer for that. The night was theirs and no one would see them. Ava gently pushed open the window and the rush of wind brought all sorts of smells: alcohol, car exhaust, cologne, leather and their favorite scent of all...

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