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Dear Diary,

I almost fell asleep in homeroom! I mean it's the first day of school and I didn't wake up at 6:30 when I'm used to waking up at around...10:00. The coffee I drank doesn't seem to be working so I barely understood a single word Ms. Sus was saying.

The bell was so loud that I literally jumped out of my seat. I could hear Rowan chuckling at my action.

When I looked back, he was slowly gathering his stuff so I quickly ran to my locker, just outside the classroom.

Rowan walked out and started to look for me but a random blonde girl started talking to him. I looked back and opened my locker. At once, all my binders, notebooks, pencils, you name it, fell on me! It was like an avalanche of school stuff simply plopping onto me.

I fell to the ground, in a pile of my stuff and looked at Rowan, embarrassed. I saw him smile and chuckle at me and I couldn't help but laugh back. The blonde girl turned her head at me too and screamed something you could never forget...

"OH, YOU'RE GAY!" she pointed at me and Rowan.

The other kids in the hall stopped chatting and looked over at Rowan and the girl, laughing, pointing their dumb fingers at me and Rowan.

Rowan's expression changed as quickly as the speed of light. He looked as if he would die from embarrassment and ran into the boy's bathroom.

I quickly stood up and picked up my belongings. The kids turned their focus on me and pointed at me, whispering to their friends.

A short freshman boy asked, "are you gay too?" He got real close to me.

I shoved him off, "no!"

My cheeks turned red. How could this happen to me? This has to be a dream...right? Felix, what do you have to worry about? I'm innocent because!

The bell rang and I slid down against a locker until I was sitting on the floor, crying. The laughing had stopped and the hallways were clear. ALL I could hear was the echoing sound of my tears.

Rowan walked out. He spotted me and walked toward me, slowly. He told me he was sorry but I couldn't help but cry, I don't know why but all I could do was cry. I forced myself to look at Rowan, his eyes red as if he had also been crying. His baseball cap in his hand, bumping his knee quietly.

"It's ok." my voice was raspy but I stood up and started walking down the hall with my notebooks held against my chest.

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