Ugh, Mothers

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Nothing can be more embarrassing than getting caught kissing a boy from another parent. My heart almost jumped when she opened the door and screamed bloody murder.

Anyway, before that, I was nervously saying sorry to Felix. I had practiced it on the way to his house but my voice was still shaky and I couldn't help but fidget with my fingers as I talked.

Surprisingly, Felix was actually listening to me and he was staring into my eyes the whole time. But as the words came out of my mouth, I wondered if he was thinking about something else. Nah, probably not.

He interrupted me and the best, er...most unexpected thing happened. He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me in to kiss me.

LIKE WHAT?! Didn't he run away from me the last time I did that?!

"OH MY GOD!" Felix's mother dropped the plate of cookies.

I quickly pulled away from Felix and we both waved our hands, defensively.

"Mom, I can explain?" he blushed and looked at me then back to his mom.

His mom pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, "I think your friend should go home."

Felix looked at me and I quietly walked to the front door with my head down and slipped my shoes on.

Felix looked at me from his bedroom door and smiled but I could tell he was worried. I mouthed sorry to him and he shrugged.

I walk out the door and gently close it behind me, it's dark out now and the crickets are chirping.

I drag my feet along the sidewalk all the way to my apartment. When I get to my door I realize that my door is open. I walk inside and all my silverware is missing. My paycheck which was paid in hard, cold cash was gone too. "CRAP!" I yell frantically pacing around my apartment with my head in my hands.

I want to call Felix but after what happened at his house I don't know if it's a good idea.

How am I supposed to pay rent?!? I can't tell Felix, I can't put more of my problems on him. I can't work extra time at the ice cream shop. It's hard enough to keep up with school, I know Felix said he would tutor me if I was struggling but I can't do that to him. I'm stuck, I don't know what to do.

Things between the two of us were so good. Everything is happening so fast, I wish I could just slow downtime. Or at least bring me back to when Felix kissed me, if I was stuck there forever I don't think that I would mind.

I get a call from Felix, "Um... hey, things are... ok now."

I started crying, "No, no they're not." I couldn't stop myself, "I got robbed and I can't pay rent this week and to make it all so much better my silverware is gone too." I say sobbing, he seems to understand what I am saying but I am not sure I do.

"Feel like getting some ice cream?" He asks.

In a different situation, it might seem like a non sequitur but honestly, it's just what I needed to hear, silly may it be.

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