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04. ❛ we're going to be friends - the white stripes.

LETTING OUT A YELP, a blonde teenage girl's feet harshly hit against the concrete. She was wearing a baby blue blouse with white trousers and half of her hair was pulled up.

Her blue eyes blinked and adjusted to the sunny daylight. She didn't understand. She was confused. She was just being held in a chokehold by Andres Elliot when suddenly... she was there. She was no longer struggling for air and it was broad daylight. Nothing made sense to the poor girl.

Hearing a small 'pop' the girl spun around and saw a man suddenly appear dressed in blue and red spandex.

"Bloody hell!" Wendy Rosewood exclaimed when the man spun around to face her. He was wearing a suit similar to her boyfriend's except it was designed differently and the eye lenses were extremely large. "Peter?"

The man tilted his head and took a step back, his American accent prominent, "W-What? Who? Me? No. I don't know a P-Peter."

Wendy tilted her head and took a step closer, "Really? Then why do you dress like him?"

He stuck his gloved hands out, stopping the girl from moving any closer, "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" She shot back, pushing blonde hair behind her shoulder.

The man shot a web at her hand and pulled her into another alleyway where they for sure wouldn't be seen. Wendy let out a yelp and backed away from the man, looking at her web covered hand in disgust, "Eww. That's disgusting, mate."

He ripped off his mask, showing a handsome face Wendy's never seen. His brown doe eyes held confusion, his slight scruff told part of his age, and his fluffy brown hair probably held secrets bigger than she can count. He tilted his head, "You're English?"

"No, I'm a doughnut." Wendy scoffed then let her eyes roam over the man, "You're an arachnid?"

Peter Parker (3) clenched his jaw and stared down at the shorter girl, "Don't start."

"Why?" She raised an eyebrow, lifting her webbed hand, "You webbed my hand, git."

Peter (3) nodded slowly, almost sympathetically, "Right, sorry about that. What did you say your name was again?"

"Wendy." The girl grumbled, trying to peel off the web.

Peter (3) nodded, "Right...Wendy. I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He extended his hand to shake.

Wendy looked down at it sceptically before slowly grasping his hand and giving it a firm shake, "I've figured that much out on my own, thanks."

Peter (3) furrowed his eyebrows, "Why so bitter, Wendy? I'm told that produces wrinkles."

"Maybe it's that fact that I was with my Spider-Man in the dead of night and then suddenly I'm here in broad daylight with...you. I don't even know you yet you seem like you're Spider-Man so, I'm bloody confused. I feel like my head is splitting." Wendy rambled, moving to sit down on a crate box.

Peter (3) nodded and sat beside her, "I get it. I was on my way home to take Aunt May her organic eggs that I always forget when suddenly I was in that alley with you."

Wendy nodded, looking up and giving the older man a smile, "I think it's best we don't go out into the city. We clearly don't know where we are and what if we confuse everyone out there."

Peter (3) nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you're right."

It was silent for a moment until Wendy looked up, "How long does it take for your webs to dissolve. My boyfriend's took seven hours so please tell me yours is less."

Peter (3) chuckled, "Yeah they're less, it's two hours."

Wendy sighed in relief and nodded, "So... do you want to share life stories?"

⋆ ˚。⋆ ✧──────────────✧⋆。˚ ⋆

Nightfall had taken over New York and Wendy Rosewood and Peter Parker (3) had practically told their whole lives to each other. Wendy now laid her head in his lap and looked up at the sky, "So let me get this straight, you were bit by a radioactive spider, then gave a mad scientist a formula that made him turn into a lizard (and he wanted all of New York to be lizards too) then he killed that cop. And then a couple of months later, a man fell into a pool of electric eels causing him to get electric powers, and you fought him in Times Square, then your best friend came back from the dead and wanted your blood but you refused to give it to him, then he injected himself with the venom Oscorp kept. And then he went mad and tried to kill you, then killed your girlfriend who was supposed to go to England, then you fought a rhino?"

Peter (3) nodded and sighed, "Pretty much."

"Bloody hell," Wendy whispered, "And I thought my life was eventful."

As Peter (3) went to speak, he saw a spark of orange light up. He froze and felt Wendy's body go tense.

Sitting up, Wendy swallowed thickly and looked at her friend, "You saw that, right? I'm not losing it yet?"

"Yeah," Peter (3) whispered and stood up, walking closer to where another spark of orange lit up.

Wendy got up and followed him, looking to her left, she picked up the pointy metal rod off the floor and held it as a weapon.

Peter (3) extended his arm and pushed Wendy behind him protectively, "Stay behind me, Wendy."

Wendy nodded and pushed a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, readying the metal rod in her pale hands.

Peter's (3) feet began to carry him toward the glowing light, his spidey sense going wild. Narrowing his eyes, he saw what looked like two figures. He immediately pulled on his mask.

Wendy released a shaky breath, "Don't let me die, mate."

"Of course not." Peter (3) nodded but froze when he heard his name being called out, "Peter! Peter!"

He tilted his head to the side as the ominous glow spiralled into a circle, a clear new setting grew in the middle. Peter (3) and Wendy furrowed their brows and looked around.

The closer he moved to the other side of the spiral, the more the people encouraged him. Wendy shook her head, "Careful, Pete. We don't know who they are."

He nodded and edged nearer to the entrance, he noticed the two teenagers panic and take multiple hurried steps back. His curiosity got the better of him as he leapt into the separate setting and earned screams from everyone in the room at his presence.

Wendy followed in suit earring more screams and dropped jaws.

𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now