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bonus. ❛ lights are on - tom rosenthal.

IT HAD BEEN A FEW WEEKS since the fiasco on liberty island and Spider-Man also known as p**** p***** was depressed.

After visiting May's grave and meeting Happy Hogan, the young man had managed to rent a cheap apartment and moved in there. "Rent is due on the first of the month. Don't be late." The landlord told him.

The boy with curly brown hair and honey-coloured eyes switched the light on with a box of his belongings inside the box he was carrying. The apartment looked decent enough, and it brought a small smile to his face. It wasn't much, but it was good for him. He slowly began moving more of his boxes inside the apartment and settling in.

He had kept the LEGO mini-figure of Emperor Palpatine from the Death Star set that he and Ned Leeds used to build together. The boy then took out his borrowed GED textbook and placed it on his desk before placing some pictures around.

He stopped and found an old, beaten up Polaroid photo of Wendy Rosewood, the love of his life. Just as he took the picture out, a white envelope slipped down by his foot.

The young man sucked in a deep breath tears welled in his eyes. He picked it up and his heart ached realizing it was the letter from Wendy.

He sat down on a chair, basking in the silence of his room. It seems like hours of silence passed, slowly, yet surely. His eyes remained on the letter, watching the way it sat in his calloused hands.

His heartstrings pull, and his throat burns as Wendy's name flashes through his mind. Tears threaten to spill from his blurred eyes. He wipes his eyes to get a better view of the slightly wrinkled envelope.

He hadn't opened it, scared he might break if he did. Hell, he could barely even look at the damn piece of paper.

His name was written in a smooth cursive. Not just any cursive... her cursive. His hands start to shake, as he tears away at the seal.

He pulled out a paper, which held a paragraph of her writing. His lip quivers as he scans his eyes down the paper.

peter, my love,

If you're reading this then something has gone wrong. We both knew it was a matter of time before something would go wrong. We always knew we were star crossed lovers at the start yet we ignored all the signs.

Remember that time we watched the sunset on the roof when we were ten? You complained about the sun having to hide? Well, if I were the sun, and you were the sky, I'd never set. I'd hover on the horizon of the ocean, waiting for your stars....because I love you infinitely, and I always will.

Even if we become strangers.

But we're not really strangers. No, we were always more than that. We were simply two soulmates destined for separate paths.

With the blank pages I hold, I'm hoping you get a chance to rewrite your chapter in my book.

Please, please do me a favour and don't tell mum I came back. I can't bear the thought of knowing she'll hurt more knowing I just left again. Please, darling.

There was a feeling of inevitability when I met you. The sense that we would be together; that there would be a moment when you would look at me in a certain way, and we would cross the threshold from friendship into something so much more.

And so we did, let me tell you, it was everything I could've wanted. We were Peter Pan and Wendy Darling. Quite literally.

We spoke once about lovers who kept finding each other, no matter how many times the world came between them. And I think I had to break your heart, and you had to break mine. How else could we know the worth of what we were given?

I think you were always meant to know me a little better than anyone else. And our lives were fated to converge like some cosmic dance. I know there is a terrible distance between us. But our bodies are made of celestial light, and we are hurtling through space and time, toward the most beautiful collision.

Now, I know it's easy to feel hopeful on a day like today, feeling like you can conquer anything. I just hope that you won't lose hope when the dark days and times will come ahead of you. Keep your hope alive even if you feel all alone. No matter how deep it gets, how lost you feel, or even if we fail in this plan, promise me that you will hold on to hope.

Just know that I am so, so proud of you Peter. Of what you became and what you've overcome. I need you to keep smiling for me, okay? Smile :)

You know, now that I think about it, we were like Romeo and Juliet. Fated to fall in love. Or maybe, we were just fated to fall.

I hope that when you read this, you'll finally find closure in what I know you never did. I choose to be there that night, it wasn't your fault. You saved the day! Now I need you to keep on doing that.

You've been without me before, you'll be able to do it again, I know it. You have the memories, I have your heart, fair trade I suppose.

And so, we start our forever over again.

Take care of yourself, love. I love you forever and always. And remember, I forgive you.

wendy x.

ps - check the envelope

The young man glanced down at the envelope that had tear stains. He sniffed and wiped the tears off his cheek, opening the envelope once more.

His heart skipped a beat as his breath hitched. There, sitting perfectly in the envelope was a ring. Not just any ring. The promise ring he had given Wendy. His finger gently pulled it out of the envelope as if it was as fragile as his heart and his eyes teared up again.

The ring was simple, a silver band with a purple gem. But this time, he noticed there was a chain attached to the ring and a note as well.

The boy took out the note and unfolded it.

I do, till death do us part.

His breath hitched and a small smile crept tugged at the corners of his lips, she knew he was going to propose.

The honey eyed boy sat down the envelope and side note, unclasping the necklace and putting it around his neck before hooking it back together. Wendy's promise ring sat just above his heart.

He tugged it underneath his shirt and turned his head to the right where his Spider-Man mask was sat.

It was like movie magic when the boy heard the police radio frequency on his phone static before notifying him of an ongoing crime. Spider-Man suited up and jumped out of his front window, swinging towards the ongoing crime.

Peter Benjamin Parker was liberated from balancing his two lives and continued to become a responsible hero as Spider-Man.

And he'll keep holding onto everything he holds dear.

For Gwendolyn Ophelia Rosewood.

𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now