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07. ❛ fourth of july - sufjan stevens.

PETER WAS EXACTLY where Wendy anticipated he would be. He sat all alone on the rooftop, an empty look on his face. Wendy couldn't bear to see him. She almost couldn't bring herself to go up to him after seeing the look on his face.

Ned laid a hand on Wendy's shoulder and looked at Peter before turning back to the English girl, "Gwen...be careful. He's not the same, things have happened, just-...just be prepared for anything, okay?"

Wendy furrowed her eyebrows in worry but nodded nonetheless, "I will."

Ned opened his mouth but nothing left, "Um...when he sees you...you have to reassure him that you're there or he'll think you're one of the villains. You two haven't spoken in...a while so just go calmly."

Wendy smiled and nodded, slowly walking towards the boy whilst the other four stayed back and watched the interaction nervously.


Peter flinched at the soft voice and snapped his head to the left to see the silhouette of a girl. His breath hitched when he saw the baby blue blouse and white trousers, what made tears stream down his face was the blonde hair and blue eyes that he longed to see.

The image of his lost love is haunting.

That's the best word to describe it. Haunting. It's like seeing a ghost for Peter, quite literally. Everything on her face looks just like her. Just like Wendy. His Wendy. Only the eyes are different, they looked saddened and seemed to understand the situation.

Wendy took a few steps towards the broken boy but he shook his head and took a step back, his lips trembling and his eyes brimmed with tears, "D-Don't come any closer."

Wendy looked taken aback but nodded, "Peter...it's me. My love...it's me. Wendy."

Peter's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, or a lover afraid, trying to form words. He shook his head in denial, he knew there was a possibility she'd be there but he still denied it.

Wendy's eyes raked over his beaten up and exhausted body and she sighed softly, "Oh, my love...what happened?"

Wendy's crystalline blue eyes locked with his whiskey brown ones. She couldn't take it any longer and ran forward, surrounding him in a desperate hug.

"I knew you would be here. I was so scared and I didn't know what to do and I met with someone else and I knew that I was not where I was supposed to be and I didn't understand anything about everything that was happening even though Ned and Mj tried to explain," She said frantically, hugging him tightly, but he was completely still.

When she felt his heavy breathing, she pulled away and saw his pale face like a sheet of paper, "Are you okay? You don't look too well. I was with you and I was being held by Elliot and a second later I appeared in some alley, I don't understand how or why, but-"

Wendy couldn't say anything else when she was interrupted by his lips desperately kissing hers. Longing. That was the word that would describe the kiss.

Peter Parker had been longing to feel her skin against his. Longing to feel that burn her touch left behind.

Peter Parker had been longing to see her. Longing to be blinded by her ever-growing beauty that he could never look away from.

Peter Parker had been longing to hear her. Longing to hear the soft honey voice that made pretty singers sound dull.

Peter Parker had been longing to love her. Longing to just take a sip of the secret potion that she unknowingly always laid out for him.

Wendy could feel the salty taste of his tears and the passion with which he wanted to kiss her as if he had never done it in her life. His hands clung to her waist and she felt the atmosphere fill with relief. There were so many feelings floating in the air and so many feelings between their lips that Wendy just started to get dizzy.

Finally, the couple carefully parted and when Wendy looked at the boy, noticing that he was wrapped in tears. She understood absolutely nothing.

"Y-You're here." Was all he could whisper, shortly before wrapping her in his arms and letting go, completely breaking down in her arms. "It's- it's actually y-you."

Peter's sobs were now evident to everyone as he couldn't keep it together, his legs gave out underneath him and Wendy slowly lowered them both to the floor. She looked over at Ned and Mj who also had tears in their eyes, she knew that they all seemed to know something she clearly didn't.

"Peter, what is it?" She asked in a whisper near his ear, running her fingers through his hair, "Why are you crying, love?"

"She- She's gone, Wendy. She's gone." He mumbles and lets out a sob. Wendy softly shushed him, whispering sweet nothings. She knew he was talking about May after Ned and Mj told her and it broke her heart. "I missed you so much. So much. Don't leave me, Wendy. Please, please, please. I love you. Don't leave me."

Wendy shook her head and hugged him tighter, "Never, darling...never."

Peter felt his heart breaking more when Mj and Ned came to hug him too. It was all so overwhelming that he didn't know what to do. Wendy was back, but he lost May. He knew sooner or later Wendy was going to leave again but he tried to clear that thought from his head.

Peter paused for a moment when he sensed something causing him to lift his head up while Mj and Ned pulled away. "Peter, there's..." Mj stuttered, "...There are some people here."

"What?" Wendy, Peter, Mj, and Ned stood while Peter stepped in front, prepared to protect Wendy and his friends. He looked up to see two people on top, looking down at him.

The two other Peters jumped down, and Peter raised his arm his other holding Wendy's hand behind him, scared that if he let go, she wouldn't be there. "Hey. Wait, wait, woah!"

The two Peters raised their hands. "Sorry..." The older Peter (2) spoke up, "About May."

"Yeah." The other Peter (3) spoke up as well. "Sorry. I got some understanding of what you're going through..."

Peter shook his head. "No, no. Please don't tell me that you know what I'm going through." He breathed heavily.

Peter (3) nodded in understanding and sighed heavily, "Okay."

"She's gone. It's all my fault. She died for nothing." Wendy looked down as Peter continued talking. "So I'm gonna do what I should've done in the first place."

Peter hesitated and thought about Wendy before he moved to grab the ancient relic from Mj, deciding that even though he wanted to be selfish and keep Wendy with him, this was best.

Peter (2) tried to stop him, "Peter..."

Peter shook his head. "Please, don't." He pleaded, "You don't belong here. Either of you, so I'm sending you home. Those other guys are from your worlds, right?"

Peter (3) nodded wordlessly and locked eyes with a saddened Wendy who tried to keep herself composed behind her Peter.

"So you deal with it," Peter replied, blocking Wendy from his mind. "If they die, if you kill them. That's on you. It's not my problem. I don't care anymore. I'm done."

Peter stared at his two alternate versions of himself and sighed deeply. "I'm really sorry that I dragged you into this. But you have to go home now. Good luck."

𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now