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06. ❛ white rabbit - jefferson airplane.

MJ'S HAND SNATCHED to grab another piece of bread and lifted it high in the air. "Can-can you not throw the bread again?" Peter (3) said with confusion laced in his voice. "You're a deeply mistrusting person," He raised his hands and he backed away. "And I respect that.' He confessed before he jumped up and stuck his hand on the ceiling.

His legs and one arm holding his mask dangled, his eyes meeting Wendy's blue ones before glancing at Mj whose fingers pointed around the ceiling as an odd-looking scowl was imprinted on her face, "Crawl around."

"Crawl around?" He sounded almost offended and he shook his head with a certain, "No."

"Yes. Crawl around." Mj stood her ground.

"Why do I need to crawl around?"

"Because it's not enough!"

"This is plenty."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."


"It is." Peter groaned, "How do I stick to the ceiling?" He squinted his eyes before another piece of bread was thrown at his chest, earning a small laugh from Wendy.

Ned's grandmother tapped her grandson and spoke in a language Wendy nor Peter (3) knew. The boy then translated for the group, "My Lola is asking if you could just get the cobweb there. Since you're...like, up there?"

The attractive man on the ceiling held a face of 'I'm done' and just nodded. Peter (3) then obliged and almost instantly as he stuffed his mask to hold in his teeth, as he lifted his body to be on all fours on the ceiling.

He cleared the cobweb after a heartless 'Thank you' from Ned's Lola. Peter detached himself from the ceiling and landed on the floor next to the blonde girl who shuffled closer to him.

"We go-" He sighed once again when he realized his mask was still between his teeth. He pulled it out and looked at Mj and Ned. "We good?"

Mj nodded, "For now." She turned to Ned as he began to conclude things. "So, I opened the wrong portal to the wrong Peter Parker."

Wendy and Peter (3) turned around when they noticed the portal they both had entered through was gone. Wendy swallowed thickly and looked up at the boy, "Please tell me you're just as confused as I am?"

Peter (3) nodded stiffly and the pair tuned in back on the teenagers' conversation.

"Yeah, I guess you just keep doing it until you find the real one," Mj said.

Peter (3) snapped his head to Mj with offence written over his face, "Ouch."

"No offence," Michelle replied before looking back at Ned.

Ned nodded, "Okay.

"Okay. You got it."

Ned raised his arms again, determined to find the right Peter Parker, "Find Peter Parker."

𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now