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11. ❛ run for your life - k. flay.

WENDY ROSEWOOD DRAGGED her hands down her face in annoyance. It had been some time and Ned and Mj have been trying to close the sparking orange portal where they could hear all of the commotion going on outside.

Just then, the blonde sees her Spider-Man swing by with the box. "Alright, Wendy! Heads up!" He yells over the noise of electric volts, throwing the box into the portal, where his best friends stood.

"Got it!" Wendy catches the box with ease before she turns to Ned again. "Alright, actually close it this time, please."

"Yeah, close it!" Mj bounced on the balls of her feet, talking to a nervous Ned who lifts his hands trying to close the portal.

"Ned, I need you to concentrate," Wendy said comfortingly before encouraging him. "You got this, you got this, you got this."

"I got this." Ned nodded confidently and keeps turning his arm in a circular motion. "I got this."

"Why isn't it closing?" Mj asks staring ahead.

Ned shrugged, "I don't know, I-"

"Come on, Ned," Wendy whined nervously, hearing screams and grunts coming from outside.

Mj snaps her head to the boy. "Did you close it before?" She questions, also making Wendy look over at the boy.

"No, I mean, I've opened some...?" The group carries on arguing, trying to help Ned close the portal, whilst the arachnids created a plan, to take down each villain one by one.

The group kept talking quite loudly not knowing that underneath them the lizard had broken from the web he was tied in, hearing their voices. "Um, I don't really know how else to tell you that it's not closing. " The curly-haired girl tells Ned.

"Whatever's you're doing isn't working," The blue-eyed girl quipped up.

"I'm trying to close it, Gwen! Don't tell me that it's not working!" Ned finally snapped, frustrated with the stupid portal in front of him.

"Okay, okay, okay... Just keep doing it. Just keep going, okay?" Wendy told the boy, putting one hand on his shoulder while she held onto the box.

"Okay, wait, wait. Yeah... wait. We'll just keep going." Ned breathes out, still holding his hands up.

"All right, no. It's fine, you're gonna do it again. We're just gonna keep trying." Mj tells the boy softly trying to keep him calm.

"All right, all right, we got this, we got this, we got this!" Ned hypes himself up, Wendy and Mj nodding along trying to help him relax.

"Focus. Close the portal, close the portal..." Mj briefly tells the boy, with a calming tone.

They keep doing it for a few seconds before they all see the Lizard coming right at them. "Okay, no, no! That is a Lizard!" Mj jumped up and down in distress.

Wendy's eyes widened when she spotted Connors coming toward her and her friends. "Run!" Wendy yelled as she pulled Mj while Mj grabbed Ned's arm.

Connors entered the portal and chased after the trio. "Run!" Peter Parker shouted as he tried to fight Connors.

Wendy pushed to box to Mj and grabbed a chair when she saw Connors going to bite her. She swung the chair towards his face and smacked him hard then began to run away again, following Mj and Ned.

Connors slammed Peter into a door before chasing after Wendy again. She cried out in pain and ran faster when Connors was able to scratch her arm with his claws, skimming her skin. "You absolute wanker! Bloody hell! My arm!"

Connors tried to wrap his hand around Wendy's throat to choke her but Peter pulled him back. "Don't touch her! Connors, stop!" While Peter was busy fighting the Lizard, Mj, Ned, and Wendy got outside the portal.

Ned gave Wendy his jacket to cover the long scratch on her arm and continued to run away. Connors and Peter exited out of the portal until Connors smacked Peter down on the ground again to continue chasing after Wendy, Mj, and Ned.

Connors was still chasing Wendy, Mj, and Ned. Ned, who was now in front of Wendy and Mj, opened a portal, sending Connors away by the water. The blonde spotted Connors' cure and immediately took it. She looked for Peter and found him kicking Connors' face. "Wendy!"

With all of her strength and ignoring the piercing pain in her arm, Wendy tossed the bottle to Peter, who was able to catch it.

Connors roared in anger and ran towards Peter to bite him but instead, he had bitten the bottle releasing green smoke. Connors groaned as he inhaled the smoke, helping him back to his human form.

Wendy faced Mj as she held onto the railing. "We still need to hide that thing. " She told her through laboured breaths, pointing her finger to the ancient relic.

Ned gasped, "Right, right, right." He successfully opened a portal causing him and Mj to cheer.

Wendy's eyes widened when Stephen Strange emerged out of the portal, she took a few steps back and grabbed the relic, not trusting him or knowing who the man was.

"Where is he?" He hissed as the portal closed behind him. Stephen spotted the ancient box and his Sling Ring, so he snatched them back.

Wendy winced from the harshness of the box leaving her hand and looked up at the man, "Who the bloody hell are you?"

Stephen squinted his eyes and took a threatening step toward the blonde who held her ground, "Who are you?"

Wendy gasped in mock hurt and before she could've said anything, Mj exclaimed, "Wait, wait, wait!"

"Before you do anything, Mister-" Ned shook
his head to correct himself. "Doctor Strange, sir, well... Peter's plan is working."

"What plan?"

"He's curing them," Ned stated. Stephen furrowed his eyebrows before standing beside Wendy to see Connors transforming back to his human self with Peter in front of him.

"Dr Connors?" Peter checked on the older man in front of him. "Welcome back, sir."

Stephen raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Well, I'll be damned." He took a moment before turning to his right to face Ned, "Did you just open a portal?"

𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now