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15. ❛ we'll meet again - the ink spots.

MJ AND NED STARED AT THE lovers that went wrong.

Both of their hearts broke just at the thick silence that enveloped the two. Ned and Mj gave Peter one final hug before they left, trying their hardest not to break down right then and there. Stephen created a portal for the two in the closet of the cafe Mj worked at.

Ned stifled a sob and looked back at his best friend that gave him a weak smile. He tried to smile back before walking through the portal with Mj, the orange sparkling portal closing behind them.

Wendy's eyes stayed on the floor before she let out a loud sob, collapsing to the ground. Peter caught her in his arms and cradled her in a position that gave him deja vu from the day of the incident.

"Why?" Her voice cracked, "Why us? Why were we destined to never be together? Why? Why? Why?" She cried through her sobs.

Peter shook his head, "We all want something we can't have, and that's our love."

They cried in each other's embrace before slowly standing up, Peter going in for a strong, passionate kiss. She holds onto his cheek, not wanting to let go. The kiss was full of love, full of pain, full of sadness, full of longing, their love was ephemeral, only lasting for a short time, it seemed time wasn't in their favour.

Love had betrayed Gwendolyn Rosewood and Peter Parker. It gave them hope only to betray them both in the end.

If someone would've asked Peter Parker what betrayal was, he'd stay silent for a long time until he'd utter the word 'betrayal.'

The most sinister type of pain. Because not only does betrayal shatter your heart, but it stabs you with the pieces over and over again. Betrayal is anger and humiliation mixed to form a hateful grief. It is an angry tear filled with forgotten love. Betrayal is the stab of an unknowing heart. Betrayal is defeat.

And the lovers both accepted defeat.

The couple pulled apart, away, leaning their heads against each other. Both holding onto each other, not wanting to be the first one to let go. Wendy set her hands on his cheeks, looking up into his comforting brown eyes, "I love you."

Love. 'An intense feeling of deep affection.' That is what the Oxford Dictionary has to say about love. However, the Oxford Dictionary has never been in love because if it had, it would know that 'an intense feeling of deep affection' is quite an inaccurate description of love. In fact, anything that can be written down in a dictionary is an inaccurate description of love. Because love cannot simply be depicted with words in a book. Love cannot be captured in a series of letters.

Love is impossible to understand with just ink and paper no matter how many times it is read about. Love is meaningless and unimportant until you feel it. Until you feel love, you cannot truly know what it is or how it works. But once the day comes and you do feel the indescribable emotion that is love, you will never try to read about it again. You will realize that love is unconfined language or conversation. Love is wordless, and if you do not believe it then perhaps you have not really felt love before at all.

Tears rapidly fell from Peter's eyes and he let out a strangled sob, holding onto Wendy's waist as he looked into her crystalline blue eyes, "I love you more."

The sun was setting already and the young couple knew it was a matter of seconds before the spell was going to take effect. Peter knew he had to say his goodbye any moment but he wasn't ready. He refused to be ready.

This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heartbeat. He'll never be ready. The only girl whose love he prized will be snatched away from him forever once more.

What he also refused was how quick the time was passing by, sooner or later, he was going to lose her again.

He was the sun and she was the moon. A perfect match. A beautifully contradicting pair. They were destined to be together. Fated to love each other forever. Their only problem was that the sun and the moon never share the same sky. Always so close but never close enough. Right next to each other but never together. Sometimes when he left he would catch a glimpse of her. Sometimes she would see him as she entered. But it was never enough.

Never perfect. Never destined. Never fated. Never together. Never love.

Wendy swallowed thickly and rubbed her thumbs across his tear-stained cheeks, "We are soulmates cursed with misfortune in this lifetime. Even though our stars didn't align... our hearts always did."

Peter nodded, running his fingers through her hair knowing it may be the last time, "Yeah, but how many more lives do I have to endure to finally be with you? How many more deaths do I have to suffer to finally be yours?"

It was silent until Wendy released a shaky breath, "I bloody hate magic."

Peter broke into a small smile, looking at his girlfriend, who showed a tiny one too before it faded away. "Yeah...me too." He breaths out looking at her. He just stares at his girlfriend, taking her appearance in knowing it'd be the last time.

"It was nice while it lasted," Wendy said, giving Peter one last kiss on the cheek before finally leaving his embrace.

"It was nice while it lasted," Peter mumbled, trying to keep himself upright.

Wendy's lips trembled as she pulled something from her back pocket. She opened Peter's hand and gently placed the white envelope in his hand. Peter shook his head and Wendy just smiled, "Open it when you're ready, my love."

Peter unwillingly took a kiss he knew all too well. Grief. He knew it was the final kiss of an ancient love. He knew it was the shattering of his heart betrothed to him and his love forced to go their separate ways. He knew grief was both love and pain forcing themselves into one. He knew it was the silent cry of desperation that can only be heard from within. He knew grief was not the absence of love, it was the collection of too much with nowhere to go.

Peter Benjamin Parker knew grief was a terrifyingly hateful kiss that forever stained his lips.

Their love might never have existed at all. Better that it hadn't. And so, Peter Parker could feel his heart crack, tears rolling down his face as he stood there with the white envelope in his hand, frozen while his vision blurred. The last thing he could hear was his Wendy whisper one thing before her body glowed softly and faded away.

"We'll meet again."

𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now