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12. ❛ game of survival - ruelle.

NED GULPED AND WIDENED his eyes, nodding nervously. "Y-Yes, yes, sir. I did."

Stephen hummed in approval before walking away, leaving Ned gasping in shock and disbelief. Wendy furrowed her eyebrows and pointed at the wizard who walked away, "Was that the wizard you lot were talking about?"

Mj shrugged and nodded, "Yep, pretty much."

Back at the top of the scaffolding, the elder Peter (2) sensed something causing him to turn around. "Can the Spider-Man come out to play?" Everyone heard Green Goblin's voice from above.

Otto Octavius or Doc Ock looked up to see Norman Osborn or Goblin flying on his glider while sending out his razor bats to attack the three Peters, Otto, and Stephen.

Otto saved them and took the razors using his mechanical claws while Goblin snatched the Macchina di Kadavus from Strange. Otto sent out one of his mechanical claws to grab Goblin's glider while Strange used an Eldtrich whip to take the ancient relic back. Goblin used his glider to cut Otto's mechanical claw off so he could fly away.

Stephen began to use the ancient relic, but the three Peters sensed something was wrong. There was a pumpkin bomb inside. A beat of silence flooded between the Parkers before the youngest Peter yelled, "Strange, no!" But it was too late as the bomb detonated, unleashing the unstable spell.

The group below walked away and tried to get to safety, proud of themselves for keeping the relic safe. Especially Ned, who is boosting on how Dr Strange practically approved of him. The group hears a noise making them stop. The scaffolding began to shake, making them stop in their tracks.

Wendy furrowed her eyebrows and looked around in confusion, "What-"

Just then the statue of liberty's Captain America shield, falls through, breaking the bars and making it all unstable. The ground under the trio begins to shake as well, Mj and Ned grab onto a metal pole, Wendy reaching out for it too, feeling her legs go from the ground.

Only then did Wendy notice she wasn't holding on. A terrified scream rippled out of her throat trying to grab onto Mj's hand which was out in front of her, she just misses it.

Everything seems to be in slow motion, as Wendy sees the panicked faces of Mj and Ned looking down at her, plummeting towards the ground. Her blonde hair whipped around in the wind and she had her pale hand reached out in a poor attempt to reach onto something.

Peter, her Peter, instantly leapt off to catch Wendy, his arm stretching out to grab hers. His eyes focused on her fear-filled blue ones. He felt tears start welling up as he tried to reach for Wendy, he could hear his heartbeat bouncing off the corners of his head.

Wendy's fingers were close enough to brush against his gloved ones, and she felt almost relieved. Unfortunately, Goblin's glider pushed Peter away, so he was unable to save her. "WENDY!" He screamed while Goblin cackled maniacally.

Wendy felt her heart drop as she looked at Peter; her ears started ringing. A gasp escaped her lips as she felt the wind encase her in its terrifying arms, wanting to pull her down for a hug and never let go.

And then she sees the other Peter (3). He's jumping down, straight towards her, with a look of complete concentration and will on his face.

With her supposed last breath uttered into the air before her, Wendy closes her tearful eyes and readies herself in the way she knows how to part from life for the second time. But right in that second, right when she feels her body closest to the deadly, cold, hard ground, she feels arms wrapping around her, pulling her close to someone else.

And with a grunt of effort and slight discomfort at his feet meeting the ground so quickly, Peter (3) lands on the ground with the girl who looks so much like his lost love in his arms.

Her hands are trembling around him, a clear sign she's okay. With a shuddering breath, he looked down at the girl who breathed heavily, just to see her. And there she is, alive and breathing looking at him with the widest crystalline blue eyes he's seen of her, trying to say something, anything, but she can't form words.

Peter (3) choked out a muffled sob and pulled the girl closer to him now, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I got you, I got you," He whispers on repeat, trying to convince himself that he finally did it. He's done it. He's saved her. He saved her in time.

Wendy gasped for air and glanced up before looking at Peter (3) breathing heavily. He finally looked in her eyes, his eyes tearing up once again. "Are you okay?" He choked out.

"Yeah. " She nodded, swallowing thickly from shock. "I-I'm okay." She watched the other Peter (3) slightly cry as he held her closer. "Are you okay?"

He swallowed and nodded, giving a weak smile, "Yeah." He couldn't save his Gwen, but he saved Wendy. He hoped that his Gwen would be proud of him.

Peter (3) pulled away and noticed blood on his hand. He looked down at Wendy's arm to see Ned's jacket soaked in blood. "Oh, God." Peter (3) stumbled over his words and tried to figure out what happened. "You're not okay. We have to-"

"I'll be fine," Wendy reassured him before hissing in pain when his hand slightly touched her arm. "I'll manage."

She got back on her feet and grabbed Peter's (3) hand, looking him in the eye, "Go. I'll be safe. Just-...just make sure he's okay. Please?"

Peter (3) nodded and squeezed the girl's hand before running off to go find the rest of the group.

𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now