~~~Chapter XIV:Kiba's Trauma & Old Friend~~~

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~~~~~<Eien's Pov>~~~~~
Me,Asia,Issei,and Rias all just got home we go to Issei's room and Rias sits down on the chair.I look at her curiously and worried for Kiba.
Rias:....*Sigh*I suppose I should start with from with this.Before Kiba joined my peerage he was apart of the 'Holy Sword Project'.(We're surprised and curious)It was a project to increase the number of people capable of wielding the Holy Sword Excaliburs.
Me:What do you mean Excaliburs?Isn't there only suppose to be one?
Rias:Yes,but during the Great War it was shattered into seven different fragments.(We're surprised)The kids were meant to be raised to be able to use the swords forged from the Fragments.
Issei:So Kiba can use Excalibur?
Rias:No,the Project was a complete failure(We're shocked).....Kiba's the only survivor.
[We're all shocked and I look down]
Me:"...Those bastard....they use innocent kids as Lab Rats and then let them die!"
Kurama:"I understand your anger Kid,but for now we should focus on helping Kiba"
Me:"Right"Well I'm gonna head back to my room,night.
[They nod and I leave the room,I walk to my room before hearing]
Issei:Huh why are you taking your clothes off?!
[I'm surprised and just decide to ignore it.I walk in seeing Sona reading a book on my bed.I smile and sneak over to her.I jump into bed landing beside her,quickly wrapping my arms around her.She's surprised and blushes crazy]
Sona:*Surprised/Blushing*E-Eien what are you......
Me:I want to cuddle.
[She's surprised and I hold her tight,she sighs before nodding]
Sona:So....Rias told you about Kiba?
Me:*Sad*Yeah...Honestly I'm worried for him(She looks at me),but I know Kiba's strong.He'll make thru this and I'll back him up with everything I got.
[She's surprised and then smiles,she kisses my check and I look at her]
Sona:*Smiling*You're always willing to help your loved ones no matter what...that's something I really admire about you and one of the things I love most about you.
[I smile and then we kiss before laying down and falling asleep.

~~~~~<Timeskip Next Day>~~~~~
Me,Issei,and Asia are heading into the ORC Building I'm just thinking about Kiba and what happen to him.We walk up the stairs with me slapping Issei for using the shiny floor reflection to look up Asia's skirt.As we're walking Asia notices the sealed room.
Asia:What's that?
Issei:Ow that's the sealed room
Me:We don't know,but(They look at me and I activate my Sharingan seeing something surprising)......There's someone in there.
[Their surprised]
Issei:Should we ask Rias about them?
Me:I guess.
[We walk up the last set of stairs and arrive at the clubroom.We walk in and see Rias,Akeno,and Koneko but no Kiba]
Issei:Where's Kiba?
Koneko:Guess he decided to take the day off,must be nice.
Me:Tanaki harassing you again?(She nods and I look at Issei)Remind me tomorrow ta beat his ass.
[Everyone sweat drops,but Koneko smiles.We all go over and sit down]
Me:Well in anycase from what you told us about Rias,it sounds like Kiba's relapsing into his own self imposed isolation.Believing that he's a avenger and because of that he has to do everything alone or else he's not the one avenging his friends.(Their surprised and then nod)We should try are best to help him.
[Everyone nods and then the doors open,Sona and Tsubaki come inside]
Me:Hey Sona,Tsubaki what's up?
Sona:Well actually I wanted to ask if Rias could come with me to talk?
Rias:Ow sure 
[We all decide to head home,Rias,Sona,Akeno,and Tsubaki all go to Sona's house in the Underworld to talk.While me,Issei,Asia,and Koneko all head home.As we're walking I'm just thinking about how to help Kiba]
Issei:I wonder what Sona wanted to talk to Rias about?
Asia:What do you think EIen?
Me:Honestly I don't,but I'm more concern about Kiba right now.
Koneko:Yeah it's not really strange for Rias to talk to someone,but I am worried about Kiba.
[I rub her head and she blushes]
Koneko:*Blushing*.....Um....Eien Senpai(I look at her)could I stay at your house?
[I'm surprised and then look at Issei,he looks at me and just gives me a 'I don't know' shrug]
Me:Sure Koneko.
[She slightly smiles and we head home,when we see the house we also sense something that catches our attention]
Me:Holy Energy
[We rush in and head inside]
Mom:Ow they were always so cute when they were little.
[We walk into the room where we hear mom at and see two people

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