~~~Chapter XIX:Introductions & Open House~~~

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~~~~~<Eien's Pov>~~~~~
I'm sitting in the ORC Clubroom everyone just got back and I'm still kinda shocked Xenovia out right asked that."Dear Lord she really has no sense of embarrassment huh"Sona comes over to me.
Sona:Well Eien(I looks at her)if you're okay with it,Xenovia wants to join the group.
[I'm surprised and Xenovia comes up to me]
Me:*Surprised/Embarrassed*A-Are you sure about his Xenovia?
Xenovia:Yes,I am.
Me:.....*Nervous*Okay,but let's try ta hold on the kids for now okay.
Sona:We already discussed that(I look at her)no kids until after graduation.
[I nod and sigh in relief,then a magic circle appears and Sirzechs,Elaine,and Grayfia all come thru.Ever sense I helped bring her back Lady Elaine has been making up for the lost time she missed with her and Sirzechs's son Millicas.Who according to the three of them and Rias sees me as his hero for bringing his mother back.I was surprised by that and smiled hearing I could help him]
Sirzechs:Hello everyone.
[Everyone but me bows,while Xenovia's surprised]
Elaine:Hello Rias,Sona I'm happy to see you and everyone are safe.(We smile)When we heard what Kokabiel was going to do well....to say we were shocked and angry would be a understatement.(She looks at me)Thank you again for helping them defeat Kokabiel Eien.
[I smile]
Me:*Smiles*It no I'm completely on side of peace so Kokabiel trying ta start another war wasn't something I was going to let happen.(They smile and nod)Add onto that he not only hurt a close childhood friend of mine and my brother,threatened the lives of girls I love(Sona,Koneko,and Xenovia all blush),threatened the lives of my future Sister-in-Laws(Issei,Rias,and Asia turn beet red),my Friends(Kiba smiles),and just quite frankly pissed me hell off and uh yeah he was in my crosshairs from basically the word go.
Sirzechs:*Smiles*Indeed and to top it all off you confirmed valuable information about that masked man calling himself 'Madara Uchiha'.
[I give a cheeky smirk]
Issei:....Hey bro(I look at him)how did you kill Kokabiel anyways.(Everyone's surprised and look at me curious)You looks eyes and he hit floor dead?
[Everyone looks at me curiously and I smirk]

Me:*Smirk*Well I used a extremely powerful genjutsu on him called 'Tsukuyomi' it allows me to put a target under a illusion where I control the target's perception of time,space,pretty ever factor of reality is under my control in the Genjutsu.(Their all shocked)With Kokabiel I made him feel like he was being eaten alive by carnivorous cockroaches.(Their surprised and get slight scared)The illusion tho it lasted only a picosecond to us it last about a hundred years to him(Their shocked)and once it ended he died.
[Their all shocked and seemingly scared shitless from it]
Sona:*Stunned*So Tsukuyomi is your left eye's ability?
Me:*Smirk*Nope(Their surprised)I gained thru the use of my Left Eye's ability tho.
[Their all surprised and curious]
Grayfia:*Surprised/Curious*What is it then?
Me:*Smirk*It's called 'Kamiyo' named after 'The Age of Gods' it allows me to copy the abilities of others.Such as Kekkei Genkais or...*Smirk Widers*other Mangekyou abilities.(Their stunned)Thru the use of......well"Kurama you ready to introduce yourself?"
Kurama:"Eh fuck it why not"
Me:*Smiles*Thru the use of a good friend help,I was able ta copy quite a few mangekyou abilities.
[Their all stunned while Rias,Akeno,Koneko,Asia,Kiba,Issei,and Tiamat's eyes widen knowing who I'm referring to]
Sirzechs:*Curious*May I ask who this friend is?
[I stand up and look at him]
Me:*Sigh with smile*Well I haven't introduced him to you yet because he wanted to remain a secret for a bit.So I hope you can forgive for that,but {Shadow Clone Jutsu}(My Clone appears and Kurama slowly takes over it,he looks at them and their all surprised)Sirzechs,Lady Elaine,Grayfia,Sona I'd like to introduce you all to Kurama,the Nine-Tailed Fox and the Progenitor of KItsune and Canine Yokai.(Their all shocked and scared of him)I'm also jinchuriki.
[Their even more shocked]
Sirzechs:*Shocked/Scared*The NIne Tails.....(He bows)I...I'm sorry for my rudeness Lord Kurama.
Kurama:It's fine young devil(He nods smiling)and sense I've introduce I'll you that masked bastard.(We look at him surprised)He' not Madara Uchiha(We're surprised)no where close....tho he does seem to Hashirama's cells,he doesn't have anywhere near the power Madara possessed.
[We're surprised and everyone's just stunned]
Sirzechs:Thank you for telling us Lord Kurama.
[He nods]

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