~~~Chapter 49:Meeting & Spar~~~

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~~~~<Eien's Pov>~~~~
It's been a few days since I healed Rias's Aunt & meant her cousin,today's the day of their Rating Game.But I'm not gonna be there because I have some business to attend to with Serafall,Gabriel,and Yasaka.Right now I'm sitting in my office in Konoha doing some paperwork.
Me:God this paperwork is such ah pain in the ass.
[As I'm doing the paperwork the door opens,I look and see Serafall along with Gabriel coming into the room]

[As I'm doing the paperwork the door opens,I look and see Serafall along with Gabriel coming into the room]

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Me:Oh hey Sera,Gabriel is it time?
Gabriel:Yes...tho(I look at her)is Lord Kurama with you?
[I nod and he comes out]
Kurama:I'm assuming Yasaka asked about me?
[She nods]
Me:....Once again thank Lord Hagoromo we figured out how to let you out of the seal.
[He nods slightly blushing]
Gabriel:W-Well then we should be going...
Serafall:Yep let's go everyone.
[I nod and Serafall summons a magic circle,we all head thru appearing in the Royal Palace right in front of Yasaka & Kunou]
Yasaka:*Smiles*Hello everyone.
Me:Hello Lady Yasaka....so have they arrived yet?
Yasaka:Yes,they arrived only a few minutes ago.
Gabriel:Well it would be rude to keep them waiting.
[We all nod and follow Yasaka heading down the hall as Kunou runs over to me & I pick her up.We walk down the hallway for a few moments before entering a room immediately seeing a few people......]

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[They look at us and seem to stare at me mainly,we go over and sit down]Indra:So

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[They look at us and seem to stare at me mainly,we go over and sit down]
Indra:So...you're the Descendant of Hashirama & Madara.
Me:Yes I am.
Amaterasu:Hmph well you certainly have the same aura of power around you that they had.
Wukong:That's for certain,but I wanted to ask you ah question before we begin.(I look at him)Yasaka mentioned you took Cao Cao and his group in that right?
Me:Yes I did,they being manipulated and used by another Uchiha who using the name of my Ancestor Madara Uchiha.The man had even rigged each of them with Tregram Seals likely to attempt to take out myself or my comrades that engaged them.
Susanoo:So he turned them into suicide bombers basically.
[I nod]
Indra:Hmph well from everything Yasaka told us and the rumors we've all been hearing this 'Madara' seems to be wanting to start a war against all of the Supernatural World.
Me:That's what we suspect at least.
Gabriel:The man has collected members of each of the Three Factions as well as the Norse God Loki.
Serafall:He also has creatures called 'White Zetsus' which can remain completely undetectable to anyone that isn't a sage and can only be forced to reveal themselves when they come into contact with Sage energy.
Amaterasu:Hmm that's certainly is a dangerous creature to have on their side.
Me:True,but only for espionage in combat they're  extremely weak and a decent hit is enough to take them out.
[They nod]
Indra:So I'm guessing you want us to join you're alliance to fight the man?
Yasaka:Yes Lord Indra I was hoping you'd be willing to join us.
Indra:Hmm....well I want to see something first(We look at him and he looks at me)I want you to fight Wukong.(We're all surprised)If I'm going to join this alliance I want to know that the people I'm joining with are strong,I know the kids,Odin,and Yasaka are capable but I want to know if you're as strong as you're ancestors or not.
[I look at him]
Amaterasu:I would also like you to fight Susanoo to know how strong you are.
[I'm surprised...
Me:Well then(I stand up)shall we go somewhere more appropriate then?
[They nod and Yasaka leads us to a wide open area,I notice a barrier around the area]
Yasaka:This area is covered by a powerful barrier,it should suffice for this spar.
[We all nod as I go to one side and Wukong & Susanoo go to the other side with Yasaka,Kunou,Serafall,Gabriel,Indra,and Amaterasu staying to the side I summon one of my Kunais as Susanoo summons a sword]

Amaterasu:Everyone ready?(We nod)Well then......BEGIN!
[They rush me]
Me:{Shadow Clone Jutsu}
[Four clones appear beside me and we begin fighting,Wukong gets pass the clones and goes to hit me with his staff,but I dodge delivering one tiger palm strike to his cheek.Susanoo overpowers my clones and charges me.I use my Kunai to block his sword and we lock weapons]
Susanoo:Huh you're pretty good.
Me:Thank you...tho(I push back getting some distance){Earth Style:Liquid Earth}
[I slam my hands on the ground liquifying the ground underneath us,he sinks into it as does Wukong.Before the earth slowly begins to harden again,they're both stuck but Wukong extends his staff breaking free and Susanoo releases his divine aura breaking free.They both lung at me and I look at them activating my EMS before summoning my susanoo,swiftly grabbing both of them]
Wukong:*Struggling*So this is your Susanoo.
Susanoo:*Struggling*I was wondering when you were gonna use it.
Me:I was trying not to to be honest,but(I activate my Rinnegan making their eyes widen and then I touch both of their heads draining them of energy)catching you with it and using the Rinnegan's absorption ability is a pretty good combo.
[I drain them of half their energy before letting them go]
Amaterasu:Well done Lord Senju-Uchiha(I look at them and both she & Indra bow)as the Leader of The Shinto Pantheon it would be a pleasure to fight with you.
Indra:And as the King of Heaven I to will join you're alliance Lord Senju-Uchiha.
Me:*Surprised*....Um...Why are you bowing to me and please just call me Eien.
[They nod]
Susanoo:It's because you possess the Rinnegan.
[I look at him]
Wukong:They're the eyes of the Sage of Six Paths a man who surpassed the Dragon Gods and is called the 'God above Gods'(I'm surprised)And since you possess his eyes it's simply out of respect.
[I'm surprised and nod]
Gabriel:Well then shall we go discuss the alliance?
[We all nod and head back to the meeting room to talk

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