The Day That Started It All

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May 3

I had just won an award for showing care throughout the month of May. I had told all my friends, except Reina and Hannah, who were studying for a test we had next period. Hannah was mad at me for something she was wrong about at lunch. She thought I was laughing at her when she choked on her iced tea, but I wasn't. I only asked her if she was okay. It was my friend, Shane who was laughing. So, for most of the day, Hannah and I have been avoiding each other. But I wanted to go tell Reina about my award.

"Reina," I said. "I got an award!"

"Congrats, Danielle," Reina said.

"Go away!" Hannah shouted. "Nobody likes you."

I didn't even look at her as I walked away. I would've been fine if the serpent from her words didn't escape her mouth and find a small opening in my soul.

The next period, after my test, the serpent started to make itself known in my head. The things Hannah said were swirling around in my head like a storm before it rained. I started getting thoughts I never thought about before.

"Maybe you should cut."

This thought scared me. I always read or heard about kids online that cut themselves or were suicidal. I wasn't one of those kids. I was one of the ones that would try to help. But here was this thought slithering throughout my brain.

That night I was up late watching a movie. The serpent slithered its way back into my brain.

"Maybe you should cut."

I was nervous and shaking. My limbs moved by themselves as I left my room and went into the kitchen. I opened a drawer and pulled out a knife. The storm in my head finally rained down. I made a small, but noticeable cut that didn't bleed. The serpent smiled. And that's how my adventure with the serpent began.

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