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A new morning in Seoul.....

Clicking of heels can be the corridor of the BIGHIT the famous model..walk in ... Everyone watching her as she's well known by everyone.

Taehee just came to BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT for signing the contract for featuring in the album with the idol...she reached at reception and asked the receptionist about the ceo office..

" Umm.. excuse me miss ...i have an meeting here with the could you please lead me to it..." The receptionist got shocked by her beauty and look at Taehee...

" Oh! Of course mam... please come I'll lead you the way...this way mam.." they both walk to the elevator and the receptionist press the button of 25 floor...

" Well what's your name..?" Asked Taehee as she smile at the girl.

" Aah..I'm Soha..Choi Soha.." taehee nodded her head and after few minutes they both reach to the floor.

" This is the ceo office can enter...he's already informed about you coming here...."

" Thank you..Soha.." says taehee.

" It's my pleasure mam... have a great day." Soha left from there and taehee .. knock on door and went inside the office.

The ceo look up ..." Oh..miss taehee please have a seat..." Says LEE MIN HO ,aka current ceo of the BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT ...he's also cousin of Yoongi and jungkook.

The Joen trust him enough to let him handle the current ceo post..."" says taehee taking a seat.

" Well it's pleasure to meet such a famous model ...and diva of fashion.. really thanks for coming..." Taehee just smile and minho offer her juice and snacks.

They both sit on couch to discuss about the contract.

" So well Jennie told me you want to sign me with an idol for his upcoming album... and I took a look at the contract as well....i must say you already put a high bid in front of me..." Taehee being professional in BUISNESS...

" far as concerned about it I want you to sigh it...there soo many models but youth follow you...and my team thought that it'll be nice to see you and our golden idol what you say...!" Taehee took sometime to think...taking all the possibilities she thought It will not be that bad...

" Well...i have seen your company work and appreciate I'll say a yes to it..." Minho smile and makes the deal for the shoots... thanking taehee he call his assistant to bring the contract...

" Here...your first time working in Bighit and my team welcome you..." Minho gives pen to her and she bow thanking him...

There they sigh the contract and Taehee'..eager to work with this new experience...


Jungkook is rehearsing for his album choreography.." hyung...i think we should shoot it in real location instead of doing it with VFX...what you say?" Question jk.

Choi San...the choreographer of jungkook nodded his head.. agreeing with the idol." You're right jk.. it'll be amazing..let me look for the suitable location for shoot...yeah." Jungkook after completing his choreo..took sit and wipe his sweat with towel.

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