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Hii lovlies 🌺💜
Hope you guys are doing well 🙂
Thanks for reading 💕🙂
Enjoy the chapter...

Same night...

As Jungkook went to the stage, Taehee starts getting anxious and trying very hard to stop tears coming out of her eyes.

" Hyung... How could you got engaged without me being here..." Jungkook pouts and whine to his brother. Yoongi smiles tightly and hug him.

" I'm sorry..." Yoongi says and Jungkook laugh at it but he didn't know the real reason behind Yoongi's sorry .

" It's ok... Hi dad .. hi mom.. ser I'm on time ... Well hello everyone... As I'm here we can start the engagement ceremony... Oh before that most important work is still left..." He clears his throat and walk to Taehee and straight in front of her , though he's seeing her first time but his heart is beating at the bullet speed.

He pat his chest and offer her a hand.

" Hlo... I'm your soon to be brother in law... Sorry I couldn't met you before.. but here I'm .. so welcome to the family.." he says softly don't know why he wants to kept looking at her beautiful face .

Taehee bite her lips and smiles a little... And look in Jungkook's eyes for the first time in four months.

" Hi... Hi.. Jungkook.. it's good to me u too..." She keeps it short and Seokjini can feel that how hard is being for her daughter.

" So we can get introduction done... After sometime... Let's be done with the ceremony... Jini please give them the rings..." Jungkook get on Yoongi side and Taehee look at the ring in her hands.

So this is it... She thought and in no time Yoongi hold her hand and very smartly put the ring in her finger but no in the one which connects to heart but the one ... Is forefinger. Taehee look at him in eyes full of respect.

" She also did the same because both know... That the ring finger belong to someone else.

Jungkook claps the loudest in the crowd but he felt an ache in his heart not knowing why he's feeling like something is slipping out of his hand.

He look at Taehee and saw a tear slip from her eyes.but thought it's of happiness.

He shrugged it and hug Yoongi congratulating him.

He then went to Taehee and took her hand softly only to peck at the back of it , Taehee gulps and try hard to not to show her real emotions.

" Congratulations..." He whisper.

" Tha .. thanks.. Jungkookshii..." She keep it formal.

Jungkook find it odd hearing his name from her .

" So as everything is ... Done now it's time for celebration.... Wohoo... " Jungkook opens a bottle of champagne.. and toss it around making everyone happy but Taehee wants to run from there .

" Here... Brother.. " he offer two glass to Yoongi and direct it to Taehee, Yoongi signs and reach to her to give her one.

" I'm... I'm sorry tae .. really... I know this is very difficult for you... But please.. " Yoongi says but Taehee's mind is noth there .

" Don't be... It's not like a sorry going to change something.." she bitterly Chuckle not on Yoongi but on her fate .

" Ok... So everyone is here and today is my brother's day ... So I want the soon to be couple here for a dance..." Here Jungkook is making it more difficult for Taehee .

" Kook .. it's not needed.." Yoongi try to stop him but Jungkook didn't listen and hold Yoongi hand and Taehee to take both of them on dance floor.

" Music..." He shouts and Taehee stills there as she saw everyone looking at them she got scared in those gaze .

MY BROTHER'S BRIDE  ✓(Comp)💜Where stories live. Discover now