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Well now back to the chapter 🥰💜..


On one hand there the new lovely couples are enjoying their date and the other side in USA, Yoongi going out of his mind...

He's missing some one very much..

" Sir.'s already NXT morning.. aren't you going home?" Question his secretary.

" You's public holiday.I have some work to do" the secretary bow and left the office.

" Where are you... Minnie..hope you are doing well...but see I'm not fine without you..will you come..wi..will you come back if i say I'm missing you soo much...ple.. bac..back to me..." Sobbed Yoongi.

" What should I do I'm gonna face you.your ... grandpa.. Minnie... I've.. promise...promised him..I'll take care of you...bu..but at last..I'm the one...who hurt you...hurted you soo bad... please forgive me..." A message sound bring Yoongi out of his thoughts.
.he took his phone and unlock it, jungkook message popped up..

HYUNG...PLEASE CALL MOM..SHEE WORRIED ABOUT YOU..are you okay Hyung... you're not picking up my calls as well...

Yoongi tosses his phone back on sofa ..and held his head in his hands...he knows he can't run away from his family..but right now he's not in mood of talking to anyone.He doesn't want to hurt someone by saying anything when he's not in his right mind.

Suddenly a notification display on his phone.. grab his attention as soon as he saw it..he hurriedly took his blazer and car keys to left from there...

The guard at the parking loat bow to him..and he quickly get in his car and ride away in fast speed...

" Please don't leave... Please.. please...god.. please don't make me be late..." He mumuled.

Taking the road to airport he immediately went to it ..he parked his car there and run to the entry he went inside he look here and there... Hoping he's not late...he took out his phone and ask the security guard.." excuse me..did..did you saw this girl"

The guard look carefully.." actually sir . I've seen her..her flight just boarded... sorry you're late..!"

Yoongi fell on the floor on his knees...he doesn't know now what should he do..." Why...why god ..why did you take her away... from me...god..why did you take my jiminie...away from me..why.." everyone passing by looking at him..why a famous buisness man sitting there on the floor...but same time Yoongi bodyguard also come and clear out the area...

He cleared his throat and tap at Yoongi's shoulder.." sir... let's get going... everyone is looking at's not good." He look around himself..and stood up... rubbing his face..he went outside of the his bodyguard open his car door he sit down..

" Sir..i think it's better if you take the driver..with you" suggest his security incharge.

Yoongi thought about it and nodded as he's not in any state to drive..he just want to sleep..a long sleep..away from this world.

The driver drives him to his penthouse..he step out of car and went to elevator pressing the button of top floor..

As he reached to his penthouse, stepping in..he broke down... doesn't know what he'll going to do he's going to bring his only happiness back..

He's just sitting there beside his bed...tears already dry .and face being red from crying..he isn't a person who cries..over but this time he lost a part of him..

MY BROTHER'S BRIDE  ✓(Comp)💜Where stories live. Discover now