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Hi lovlies 🌺
Hope you guys are doing well 😊
Thanks for your votes.. really means a lot..
And your support..
Here's an update for that..
Enjoy 💜💜💜💜.

Preparation for the wedding functions started , after the engagement day everyone got very much busy so Jungkook doesn't get much time to talk to Yoongi about this whole thing.

Yoongi is hardly talking to someone nowadays. Jimini already left from Seoul but he just know that she's still in korea.

Jungkook is now in his studio for recording his soon going to release song.

" Jungkook.. just take few rehersal audio ok.. then we will do the final one recording.." the producer says .

Jungkook nods and start singing the lyrics . Trying to set the lyrics on point.

" Ok.. let's go.." they start recording with Jungkook heavenly voice. After half an hour they recorded the song and everyone is happy with the outcome.

" Great work.. jk.." they appreciate him and leave from there . Jungkook stays back as he wants to stay alone for a while.

He's humming a song and going through his small shelf, when something caught his eye. He took it in his hand and bring it closure. He saw this somewhere, but doesn't getting on whom same piece like this one.

" Who's wearing..?" He thought very hard and then it stuck in his mind.

" Taehee... She . She was wearing a one same... But.. how I got this.. I'm for sure that if someone else brought it , then it wouldn't be here... Only if I.." he tries to remember hard that makes his head ache.

" Aasrghh... God when Im going to remember things..." He put his head on his hands and sat on the couch.

He's still thinking about the pendant when his phone rang.

" Hello.." he says .

Jungkook.. I saw your message, you want to talk..

" Yes Hyung.. but you were busy ... Where are you hyung.." Jungkook got up after taking his jacket and mask with himself. Going down in the parking area.

" Ok.. I'm. Coming.." he cuts the call and drove away in his car.


Yoongi is anxious about this conversation he's going to have with his brother. He just hope jungkook will not ask something about his past or anything related to it , because he's not sure if he will be able to lie again.

He check his the time, and sign.

" Sir would you like to order now..?" Comes a waitress with a flirty smile on her face.

Yoongi stare at her , " no.. I'm waiting for someone.." he dismissed her with his cold voice as she immediately ran away from there.

" Hey Hyung.." he look up and saw Jungkook coming, Yoongi stood up to hug him.

" How are you kook... Heard you had recording today.. how does it went.." Yoongi started with casual talks.

" It went great.. the producers are happy with the outcome.." Yoongi hums .

" Should we order something first... I'm hungry.." jungkook suggest. Both order their meals as it's already past 12 noon.

" So.. what it is you want to know about.." Jungkook took a big bite and hum as Yoongi ask him.

" Huh.. about.. about your and Taehee relationship.." as soon as Yoongi heard it he choked on his meat and stated coughing.

Jungkook give him a glass of water and Yoongi gulp it down.

MY BROTHER'S BRIDE  ✓(Comp)💜Where stories live. Discover now