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Hii.. lovlies 🌺🌺.
Hope you guys are doing well 😊☺️
Thanks for your support ❤️❤️.
Aah... I really love you all.. 😘😘
So back to the story,.. new chapter 💗
New faces going to reveal..
New drama..
Enjoy 🥤🍿🤍💜.

Back to the story.

As soon as the Vail get off from the face of bride everyone got the biggest shock and surprise of their lives. The Joen's and Kim's doesn't know how to take this situation as , should they feel angry, betrayal or sad or even lets say scared for what's going to happen after it.

" Joonie... Tae.. where's she... She was there... Then how... Joonie..." Seokjini try to say about this all but another voice took their attention from it.

" HOW DARE YOU TO MARRY MY DAUGHTER JOEN YOONGI..." and oh the bubble blown away.

Seokjini got shock and gasps same goes to everyone including Namjoon and Somi while Soo Hyun is standing there with a big smirk on his face.

" Hii.. mom.." there on the aisle in the bride's gown stands Park Jimini oh now Joen Jimini looking at her hidden mother while Yoongi is just enjoying the drama with his love in his arms.

" Baek.." Seokjini whisper disheartened as she saw her sister hide such a huge thing from him.

" Joo... She. .s.." Namjoon hold him tightly as he knows his wife's heart going to break more today.

" Joen.. Yoongi, how could you marry my daughter.. huh.. who the hell you think you are .. you bastard.." she fumes as she took big step to aisle.

Yoongi glare at her. As Baekyuni reach there , Jimini is just smiling at her mother but she got more angry and raise her hand to slap her but a tight grip on her hand stop her and she scrunch her face in pain.

Joen Yoongi hold her hand tightly only to crush it with his hand.

" Dare you to even touch a single hair of my wife's... I will kill you right here.. Mrs Park.. or should I say mother in law.." he chuckled evilly and everyone got chills from his dark aura.

" Why.. why you did it Jimini.. I've raised you good enough. Didn't I... How could you do this to your mother.. i told you to leave from here... Leave this fucking lover of yours but you didn't listen... Huh... Do you not known to consequences.. Jimini... Should I show you what i could do if you will not listen to me... Should I... " Everyone stay stund after seeing her this personality. Seokjini thought is she really her sister . Namjoon right now is more confused and worried for his daughter while the Joen's are uttey surprise to say anything right now.

The media is recording everything but secretly.While the guests are just enjoying the drama going on and who will not.

" What consequences mom.. you have already done everything bu.. but today I'm I'm .. not that scared... Girl.. wh . Who will lis .. listen to your threats and stay quiet. And don't forget I'm not Park Jiminie now... I'm Joen Jimini.. " she says with pride and Yoongi side hug her .

" You fucking... Ungrateful.. bit.." as she's going to continue but someone stop her there and everyone divert their attention from the aisle to the entrance .

"SURPRISE... SURPRISE.. AUNTY.." there comes the for whose everyone is asking about Joen Jungkook in his all dominant aura , smirking looking at Baekyuni and smiles at his brother.

" there comes the for whose everyone is asking about Joen Jungkook in his all dominant aura , smirking looking at Baekyuni and smiles at his brother

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