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Hii .. lovlies..🌺🌺
Thanks a lot for the amazing votes .
It's been a very eventful week for me but seeing the support you guys have been giving me . Make me feel special..
Cause you guys are very special for me..
And I've never thought that this story will come in views of so many amazing people..
So thank you from bottom of my heart.
Here's the chapter.. everyone.
Enjoy (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠).

The silence in the car is suffocating for both Taehee and Jungkook, after what happened in the botique left both in shock and surprise, Taehee being happy that atleast Jungkook feel that there's something in between them whereas Jungkook in delema for his actions.

They reached to the Kim's villa, and Jungkook stop the car , he get out and took the shopping bags from backseat.

Taehee get down as well and wait for Jungkook to atleast say something.

Jungkook look at her , and hand her the bags . She took it and nervously looks down.

" Umm.. I'm.. I'm.. sorry..." Jungkook states and Taehee look at him in confusion.

Jungkook saw her expression, he took a deep breath.

" For . My actions back then.. really.. I don't know what got in my mind... But .. please know I'm really sorry... Taehee.. I know I should maintain a distance... And not get you uncomfortable.. but .. my... My mind and my heart ... Is... Is not in.. in.. good condition right now.. af.. after my memory incident... I.. sometime do things which are not appropriate.. so if you could forgive me for my actions and forget what happened... " He completed and still not look at the one person who's looking at him with tears in her eyes , to whom he's her world.

Taehee sniff and wipes her tears .

" It... It's ok.. Jungkook really.. I understand.. so don't feel guilty or something... I'm.. ok.. really.. " she tries to smile but Jungkook can feel she's hurt but not able to make it's because of what he did back then or what he did just right now.

" Ok... Then I'll be going.. there's guests going to come soon... Bye... Tae.. " he whisper as he look her retrieving back going inside. He felt his heart in pain and keep a hand on his chest .

" You have to wait... For the right time.. Joen. " He said to his heart and left from there not noticing Taehee still standing far inside the entrance looking at him.

" I'm.. and was ... And will always be yours koo... But our destiny is playing with us... And it's playing hard..." She went inside only to see her aunts and her mother selecting jwellery for wedding.

" Not this again..." She grumbled and sneak out from there quietly not in mood of participating any of these things.

Yoongi is waiting for someone in his office, his mom is calling him every second but he's not in mood of going back home he still have much more important work to do here .

" May I come in sir ..!" Said someone from outside.

" Yeah ." He said and the door of his office open and a lady with a man comes inside.

" Hello Mr's nice to meet you" the man said as Yoongi offer them to sit.

" Same to me..." Yoongi said .

" Well for the work you asked's done..we can proceed with the plan now.." the lady said sipping the coffee that Yoongi secretary serves them.

" Hmm...did someone know about it..or about it or about him..." He ask with a straight face.

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