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(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠).....


In hospital...

Two hours passed by but doctors are still in surgery. Namjoon is sitting with his friend giving him support all he can do at this moment.

Somi with Soekjini is tired of crying now, just waiting for the door to open and praying for Jungkook health.

Taehee is resting as doctor strictly told her that if she will take stress an anxiety attack can occur that will not be good for her health.

Only Yoongi is staying strong.

He's sitting right next to his father thinking something hard.

" Dad... Uncle!" Both the elders look at him .

" What are you guys hiding from us... That cause Jungkook to be there right now...?" Yoongi look at them with red eyes full of pain in them.

" Son... We.. are not.." Soo Hyun tries to say but Yoongi shake his head.

" Don't lie dad... I'm not a kid now, I've been observing you guys.. there is something going on but you're hiding... What's that... Who did this.. and don't say you guys don't know because I myself caught Mr Han talking about something that you order to do ... So tell.. " Yoongi is feeling like his head going to explode if this matter doesn't come out.

Namjoon look at everyone and Soo Hyun nods him.

" Fine hear us out first then speak.... " Namjoon tells him everything. From starting how things started, how they got to know about it. Now what actually happened.

Yoongi felt he can't breathe for a moment. So much happened and he didn't even have any idea. His brother life was in danger before and now he's here .

" Dad ... Wh.. why didn't you guys tell me.... Why ..?" He shouts . Soekjini and Somi startled after hearing him shout.

" Because this is done by someone very close to us.... We can't take a step before planning everything... Yoongi.. " Soo Hyun says.

Yoongi wipes his tears and look at his dad.

" I'm going to kill them... All of them.. the.. they did this to my brother... To Joen Yoongi s brother... I'll make their life hell... " He got up and start walking outside only to stop by his dad .

" And if you keep a step out Yoongi... You will found me on the same bed... " Yoongi stop and still there .

Somi cries looking at all the Chaos. Soekjini doesn't know how to handle it.

Namjoon turns Yoongi around and hug him. Yoongi hold his uncle tightly.

" You have to think from mind Yoongi... We can't do something that will cause someone from us be in danger... " He says . Yoongi look at his dad tired face and run to him only to hug him.

" Dad... Wh.. what I do then... I'm.. feeling very hep.. helpless.. " Yoongi stutter and Soo Hyun look at Somi and then at Namjoon. Namjoon nods him .

" Marry Taehee..." And Yoongi thought his dad said something else.

" Wha.. what?" He look shock .

Soo Hyun signs and put his hand on his son's shoulder.

" Listen to me... Yoongi it's the only way we think we can find who's the family person who's playing these dark games.." Yoongi jerk his father's hand and look at him in disbelief.

" Dad.. what are you saying... Are you hearing yourself.. marr.. Marry Taehee... TAEHEE dad, she's m... My brother.. love... Dad... How could you say this... How can you even think about us being together...." Yoongi say and look at his mom only to met with helpless eyes .

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