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Hii lovelies..
Hope you guys are doing well..
So... here's the much awaited update..
From here the story going to take many turns and many new faces going to make entry..
Keeping my fingers crossed, enjoy it...

In the evening....

It's now evening time, Mr Joen is okay as doctor left from there but giving strict instructions to not to let him take any stress.

Jungkook is now sitting with his dad and talking to him about random things.

Soo Hyun listening to his son and laughing in between.

" Bunny.." he stop jungkook.

" Yeah you want something?" He ask.

" No.. I just want to say.. please trust me always..your dad never take any wrong decision ok.." Jungkook thought why his father is saying this .

" Of course dad... I know you will never do anything wrong.. I trust, hyung ,mom.. you're backbone.." Soo Hyun hug his son suddenly and Jungkook smile and hug back.

I'm sorry kookie... please understand your dad ... whatever I'm going to do please have faith in me.. Soo Hyun thought.

Jungkook pull back when his mom come with a tray in her hand.

"Well if the father and son done with their talk , have your medicine before that here eat this porridge and some soup for you.." Mrs Joen kept it in front of Soo Hyun as he look at his wife with a funny expression.

" Can't I eat some real food...Somi " jungkook laugh as his dad whine.

" No .. Mr,you have done this to yourself now suffer...and bun go eat your dinner as well, Mrs somin will serve you ok.." jungkook left from there after kissing his mom's cheeck .

" Where's yoon..?" Soo Hyun asked ,as Somi feed him the soup.

" Oh he said something about work and left... he'll be coming in an hour.." Somi look at her husband and signs.

" is it important to do that... can't... can't you and namjoon try another way " Soo Hyun know that his wife will surely says this.

" Somi , please understand us...we don't have any other way..this marriage will be very shocking to nany but it's needed....TAEHEE have to come here in JOEN mansion to get the real culprit make his presence known." Somi wipes his husband mouth and give him glass of water.

Soo Hyun gulps Down the medicine.

" Umm..but ..what about know how is he... wouldn't it be unfair to both him and Taehee..?" She whisper .

" Somi ,one thing we know that Jieun is back...yeah and if we got two of them married it's very high chance that Taehee will be in danger before anyone.... I don't want that... and it's not like this marriage have to stay for long..they can get divorce when we know it's safe and there no one that can harm and planned and plot behind my sons.." Somi nods and got up taking tray with her.

As the door of the room got close, Soo Hyun pick up his phone and dial a number.

" Hello...yeah ,did you got to know who is it..." He asked.'s confirmed,that Lee Jieun and and park's family is involved in it...the other person says .

" Are they planning something big.." Soo Hyun question.

I didn't get much of information but ..they are coming back in Korea and meeting someone I assume, someone from the Kim's... Soo Hyun hums.

" Ok...let me know when they land and keep updating me about it...we can't risk it...we were able to stop the last attack in New York but here I'm not sure..." Soo Hyun cut the call .

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