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Now let's get back to the chapter 🥰
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Night time...

Right now Taehee and jungkook are sitting in front of born fire that Jungkook just manage to make ... Taehee is sitting in between jungkook's legs and jungkook holding her..

Both enjoying the beautiful view infront of them,the sky,the mountain.. everything.

Taehee looking in the sky full of stars..." Koo.." she whispered.

Jungkook hum as he snuggle more into her..

" Koo what do you think about kids.." now jungkook got why taehee suddenly bring out the topic.

" So suddenly...babe you want to make kids before we get married...huh..!" Taehee look at him with a done face.

"Shup Joen..." She glared at him and jungkook bite his lips to stop from laughing.. himself.

" I'm..just asking for future, nothing else okay...don't be soo excited" she exclaimed.

" Hmm..well yes I want a family with you ofcourse..when in few years we'll got married...then I want to have kids,it's not like we have to plan them but still....we will wait for the right time..." He says looking at his big baby right now whose in his lap.

" And anyways... right now I have this big baby of mine with me whom I love to pamper...." Taehee giggle as Jungkook tickle her in her exposed neck..

" Stop...ko.. hehehe..'s tickles...kookie..." Jungkook stop his torture and both hug each other tightly.

" Love you jungkook..." She says to him.kissing on his lips lightly.

" Love you too love..." He caress her face and kiss on her cheek...then nose and finally lips..

Both get lost in the feeling and kiss each other with intensity... forgetting they are middle of the mountains...but as the wind blows Taehee shivered and Jungkook got up carrying her in bridal style..both pant as they break the kiss..

But Taehee have something else in her mind,she kiss on jungkook's neck and jungkook stills on his step...but Taehee didn't stop and sucks a hickey..there .

Jungkook Take her in the bedroom and drop her on the bed....taking her by surprise.

Taehee look up at her boyfriend..and met with jungkook dark gaze that she never seen before..they both know a fire ignite between them...but jungkook isn't sure if they can take this forward or not.

But Taehee saw the hesitation in his eyes and raise her both hands towards him...

"come..koo" that's it jungkook dive on the bed and start kissing her fiercely...taehee moans are getting loud as Jungkook assault her neck...taking the skin in between his teeth... sucking it and making prominent purple Love bites .

But as Taehee hold him by his hair,he comes back to his senses ..Taehee got confused as why jungkook stop.

" Koo...wha.. what happened?" Jungkook look at her saw her face having a confusion frown.

" Baby... I think we should stop here ..''s not going to end good, you're not ready ...yeah ." But Taehee doesn't get it why should they.

" But..koo..I'm ok..I'm not forcing myself..." She whisper.jungkook smiles at her and sat on the bed taking her on his lap... Taehee lay on his chest..

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