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Hello my readers... hope you all are happy and healthy 🙂🙂🙂
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I'm looking forward to your guys comments though ...

Well now let's talk about story 😉🤠
I'm hoping you guys are enjoying it ..



"Mam...where should I keep this..?" Ask the maid of Joens mrs Joen.

" God...there over the corner..and make sure before the flight lands his everything is on know how's he.. and bring the new bedsheet as well ..not too loud colour ok ..." Mrs Joen look around the room once again making sure everything is on place.

Well today in Joen mansion everyone is running here and there..why because today their Yoongi master is coming...and mrs Joen instructing the caretaker to make things right.

" Nothing can happen without me in this house ..god please make my Yoongi marry a good girl so that I can also got retired from these fuss ..." She says .

" What tiring you hun....there's soo many people to do just sit here and relax" mr Joen took his wife to the couch .and give her a glass of water.

" Relax... really Hyun... know my son is coming after long I want him just rest and eat the food I make....I'm sure he's not taking care of his health..." Mr Joen know there no way his wife going to sit and rest before she saw Yoongi so he just took his iPad and start reading the news feed.

" Mr Joen..." Joen soo Hyun gulp as he saw his wife glaring at him.

" Yes .honey" he says sweetly ...

" just read those useless news ...what else you have to do..." She spat .Mr Joen doesn't say anything don't want to saw his wife in anger ...even he is scared of her....

" And where is your that bunny.... doesn't he knows that his brother is coming...?" Question Somi.

" He's the one to go to airport to pick know there ritual....there brother talks..." Somi nodded and went to kitchen cooking food for her family.

It's not like she doesn't love her bunny...but his cat looking son is reserved to she always want him to know that his mother is there to talk....with jungkook she doesn't have to put much talk as he's already soo bubbly and cute...but Yoongi like only few people and give them a place in his heart...She loves her elder son very much...his cute gummy smile and ofcourse the soul of their the bunny ..she wants best for her boys...

" Hyung...did the flight land...?" Jungkook comes to Airport to pick Yoongi...he came straight from his company..he want to be the first one to meet Suga as he want to ask about something important before Yoongi meet his parents.

" It did sure mr Yoongi is just going to come out .." says his bodyguard.

Yoongi pass threw all the formalities on the airport and went outside... looking around he saw a Mercedes standing there ..he got his brother came.

Well everyone looking at him as he is surrounded by four bulky bodyguard and his pa is with him.... looking all handsome and amazing...but his face is masked... reporters there taking pictures...

 reporters there taking pictures

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